Lol whatever you dumb little girl 😂
My life is trending up and its not looking like it's about to stop anytime soon. I'm doing so well for myself; that I can't help rub it in your autistic little face.
I'm a highly functioning stoner , you are a dumb little girl who needs constant help from mommy and daddy while you play on the internet all day.
lol tehe:3 trueeeee but I used to be more functional than you are currently so I have room to talk.
I don't think it works like that.
Turncoat, how did you let this complete loser live with you for so long and put up with his constant Strawmanning?
Where'd he use that fallacy?
Yeah it does and figure it out for yourself
A history in lucidity doesn't mean that they are a more credible source unless you're a time traveler.
Check out some PTSD cases.