being male is cool, why the change? do you think males are better in some way?
I mean you saw Xena's reasoning, it's just them trying to keep up within the Patriarchy after having been put down for so long.
Xena finds my MtF shapeshift baffling and disgusting, but more openly empathizes with FtM. Makes me really wonder about her values and damages.Wtf? lol
This is exactly what I mean about you inventing crap that I didn't write, and using it to form your little mythologies.
You can be quoted over this as recently as today yesterday.
I don't have a problem with real transwomen.
Just you.
So it's the "No True Scotsman" fallacy?
What is your criteria for a "real transwoman"?
It doesn't matter how much makeup you put on it.
You look like Howard Stern and your personality is pure Grima Wormtongue.
I don't think you remember what I look like, or you can only identify faces as far as their hair.