I'm stalking you too aubrieta, when I go boar-hunting.
I'm stalking you too aubrieta, when I go boar-hunting.
you're ugly, refrain
I have much more beautiful people who are obsessed with me in a romantic flattering way than you losers, Slay is just one of quite a few........he's the main one right now but still.......you're so ugly compared to him, why do u think u would ever get my attention negging me it just makes u look desperate..................like, stop
its so sad that you're so obsessed with me you resort to negging instead of just talking to me nicely and flatteringly like normal attractive men. but you aren't that, and you know u have no chance of positive attention from me soo......I guess this is what you have to resort to huh
I did warn Alice when she was humping your foot how she just might regret it.
Freakishly tall, I heard. Possibly the biggest Jew on the face of the Earth.
Why is Alice less popular these days ?
I dislike her treatment of TPG, and her bitchlike attitude.
For years ? I doubt it.
Alice and i have been together for 9 months. Her roommate was a different person.
You and i discussed this when i joined Turq.