We're all after you.
As technology evolves, it becomes easier to believe it, and I'd like to think I go beyond healthy levels of skepticism as a daily habit.
How easily people are manipulated and how much room there is to get the answers "THEY" want without asking suspicious questions from even my closest friends, security cameras, credit records used to monitor your buying habits (like what food you're likely to eat, what demographic of purchasing habits you belong to, etc), GoPro cameras and other easy to conceal recording devices that can live stream, easily concealable wireless headsets to follow precise commands with precise timings in order to push the targeted individual, noise pollution paired alongside advertisements meant to push one's thoughts and feelings in targeted directions being used outside of their usual purchasing urge sewing... Lets just say there's a reason why my college dissertation for graduating was about sensory mind control through art and sound (to defend myself).
I've been meaning to read "Weapons of Math Destruction", but keep feeling like it might send me down a weird path for a little bit before I crawl out of it further into my timeline. The only thing keeping me in check really is a constant reinsistance towards myself that "I am not important enough to warrant all of this effort".
It also helps that other victims of it telegraph crazy pretty damn hard.
I think that is the thing, is that you aren't important enough to warrant it. But you have every reason to feel that we are getting our information stored in a database, because we are.
The gargantuan $1.2 billion complex...features 1.5 million square feet of top secret space. High-performance NSA computers alone will fill up 100,000 square feet. ... The NSA's Utah Data Center will be able to handle and process five zettabytes of data, according to William Binney, a former NSA technical director.
Also what is very interesting is the NSA ANT catalog, which by this point is old. But still straight demonic, like a paranoid schizo's nightmare.
The levels of surveillance are surreal. They collect so much data that many times they can't make use of it because it is too much to sort though.
The NSA does mine data and analyze it to determine patterns and make predictions based on it
but to my knowledge it’s not geared toward consumerism or political agendas but more toward predicting exact locations of specific events entailing mass destruction and threats to national security
its prediction using algorjthms.
this is only recently being talked about publicly in magazine articles and they’re acting like we are only theoretically sure it could work and they haven’t started data mining yet
but that’s not true they’ve already been doing it for a very long time and Facebook and amazon are very helpful in the process
The mining already started a long time ago, that's what the severs in Utah are for. And they say it's to stop terrorism, but the FBI watch list includes communists and anti-war protestors as terrorists against the state now (read this if you don't believe me). We are living in the biggest surveillance state the world has ever seen, we were even phone tapping Angela Merkel and listening in on her, and Germany is one of our espionage allies.
The end game is to use an AI to analyze the info, which they have some that do that, but not really well. For instance, I know that I am less likely to get caught committing a cyber crime the less I try to hide. Because certain proxies and VPNs throw up red flags, and they look at that. It's not totalitarian yet but it will be.
but to my knowledge it’s not geared toward consumerism or political agendas but more toward predicting exact locations of specific events entailing mass destruction and threats to national security
Even clickbait articles these days talk about how some businesses can tell when you're pregnant based on your purchases, sending you coupons for things you're likely to buy that you've never bought before.
Superstores and sales websites are using every aspect of your data to try to figure out how to sell to you, specifically you, better.