lol I wasn't taking my antidepressant/anti-anxiety
(I've also researched this drug and apparently people who experience psychosis take it like *really* commonly so maybe I'm psychotic and don't know it)
and then its also perscribed for ptsd so yeah
anyways I didn't take it for a while and whenever I do that
I feel like the world is gone to hell in a hand basket and everything is hopeless and pointless and it gets really dark really fast
and I lay in a ball on my couch for 24-48 hours straight if not longer just basically feeling completely hopeless while my mind's demonic depression and anxiety creatures run absolutely rampant and drive me bat shit insane
to the point of wanting to commit suicide
so yeah uh.... that's where this thread was from but I finally took my meds last night thank GOD
please fucking SMACK ME if I am saying depressing shit like this and tell me to go take my fucking meds because it will just get *worse* and *worse* until its unbearable hell
don't let me do it!! lol