this place is full of negativity and pessimism a lot more than most forums, and its part of the hivemind here to want to hurt other members emotionally and make them doubt themselves and trust their reality. a lot of gaslighting
You must be new. Or just really slow?
No I've always known this but turncoat wanted me to elaborate so I did
turncoat is like a toddler always questioning things and data collecting so i speak to him as such lol
lmao i was betting money his next post would be another annoying question but seems he took heed of you and meta's comments
I got this.
Is this more true after eating whole grain bread the forum becomes more negative? What if instead on a rainy Tuesday?
Can we read negativity levels with a dipstick? Are we really more negative than Who collected this data? Do they have a fancy degree and labcoat?
That's how it looks to you?