Question 10
Do I have a criminal record
What is number 11?
2) peacocks don't lay eggs, but you probably think you do
3) no clue, but let's guess you left thigh
4) You have a video playing guitar, guitar or piano
5) English probably
6) A pet?
7) Probably cutting.
8) No tattoos
9) Cali
10) yeah you have a minor
12) useless crap: fashion + makeup
1. Have I had an allergic reaction to fruit roll ups
2. do I have eggs from a peacock
3. Where is my secret birthmark located
bottom of left foot
4. First instrument I played
5. The teacher who taught this subject in high school hated me the most of any teacher. What subject was it
6. What strange thing did I bring to show and tell in 3rd grade
dead lizard
7. How did I attempt my first suicide
car wreck
8. What are my tattoos and where are they located
i have no tattoos
9. Where is my father from
10. Do I have a criminal record
yes, a federal offense
11. What is the one thing I spend the most money on