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Delora is confusing

Posts: 2278

Really, really confusing.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing

delora is awesome be nice to her

Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing

Confusion is a strategy for control

Posts: 2890
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing

Confusing your enemies is the first step to an easy and swift victory.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing

its cute that you were so confused you came here, typed this into the internet and just left it.


i could see it like, delora is ranting in the kitchen while making a sandwich waving a knife around talking haphazardly to the air not really noticing you 


and you're just on the couch and you look at your phone squinting and grimmacing and just slowly type out, 


"delora is confusing." *enter*


and put your phone back in your pocket and just stare at her for a minute


Posted Image

last edit on 10/27/2019 10:27:41 AM
Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing
Good said: 

Confusing your enemies is the first step to an easy and swift victory.

 delora is reactionary so 

this, is why her actions and words can be confusing 

it's all coming from in the moment, feelings and thoughts, etc. whatever they may be. 

whatever's on her mind that day, however someone makes her feel. 

this is just my take.


but counteracting shit could be a sign of subtle manipulation, emotional manipulation, etc. 

last edit on 10/27/2019 10:29:52 AM
Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing

blanc is also confusing 

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Delora is confusing

lol this thread

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