Edvard said: 
Good said: 

Ed, I'm(and Sturm88 for that matter) not wrong and I don't care what you say. You are just a smear merchant, you can't tell me what I said or I've done. Everyone knows what I've done and said, because its all there in the open, its not hidden and anyone can go and read it.

No one has to entertain you, answer your questions, care about your arguments or respect your opinions. I've done nothing wrong, you dirty dirty smear merchant, get bent.

 You deleted a thread in which I asked what happened to Mental Health Group. How was that not wrong, shithead?



Good said: 

Ed, I'm(and Sturm88 for that matter) not wrong and I don't care what you say. You are just a smear merchant, you can't tell me what I said or I've done. Everyone knows what I've done and said, because its all there in the open, its not hidden and anyone can go and read it.

No one has to entertain you, answer your questions, care about your arguments or respect your opinions. I've done nothing wrong, you dirty dirty smear merchant, get bent.

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