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its really fucked up

Posts: 9478

its really fucked up that everyone wants to minimize the things i've gone through and make fun of it 


you say i talk about it too much but im just trying to process my shit 


i know for you it seems easy but everyone processes things differently and for me like 


everything is stuck inside me like heavy rocks and they're just frozen in time these memories are, into segments 


and the clips play in my head all the fucking time 


im just sick of it you have no idea 


how hard i've tried to work through everything and, heal from complete mental breakdown. 


after a certain point there comes a mental collapse from just, system overload. with what you can handle. 


i've been through so much "abuse" that I can't even remember it all, and my brain has had to protect me from it by dissociating my mind completely, walling it off, blacking it out, erasing my life, erasing me. my memory. and segmenting them into, moments frozen in time. that's all i'm left with anyway. 


it's really frustrating to try now, and go back and retrace my foot steps to see how i got so lost, and so fucked up. trying to regather myself now, after that mental collapse from maximum capacity. 


trauma is like, water and there's only so much a damn can hold before it breaks, it's a similar thing for me 


and all it takes is one, good poke and a leak will start, and the structure will crack and crumble from there. 


that's sort of what happened to me. for a long time i forgot, everything. 


i lived in this strange dissociated state like, on a cloud. everyone who knew me at this time said i seemed, "aloof" and "distant" like i seemed, "a million miles away." it sounds cliche but, this are the exact words they use to describe how i was at this time. 17, 18, in high school. 


it wasn't until years later that some pieces started to fall together. 


whatever strange dissociative fugue i was living in, this fog, that my brain walled myself off inside of to protect myself, my identity, my sanity. the protective bubble started to crack. 


for me it's very difficult to talk about this now, anything along these lines without feeling "dissociated" or the beginnings of it coming on. or sometimes i will feel ill, or too panicked, from talking about abuse. 


sometimes when i remember it, there are physical sensations, or you start sweating and going into a panic attack and, a train is running through your mind so incredibly fast like a blur and you can't make it stop. you just want to breathe but you can't, you feel like you're falling down a long tunnel that will never end. 


other times i've been physically ill. there were times where, i first tried to discuss what happened to me with family members. and in the middle of talking i- thought i would be fine but, suddenly it came over me i was not. and i had to sit down. 


i literally sat on the floor, and curled up into a ball. and they were like are you ok?? and i said, "oh my stomach just hurts... must of been something i ate..." 


and then after a minute the panic attack was coming over me and i felt like i was sweating and dizzy and going to vomit. someone was talking to me for quite a while but i wasn't listening at all i was just staring straight forward trying to breath in and out of my mouth. 


this was a tactic i'd used other times where i felt this feeling come over me before- back when i was in that "dissociative bubble" that i didn't understand. i thought it was just nausea and, i didn't understand why it would happen. i didn't know what i was having were, the beginning signs of ptsd settling in like fine lines that eventually turn to wrinkles. for me it was a sign of something a lot deeper coming. 


and as i aged i came to know this feeling more and more, feeling it with more vibrancy, brighter, more colorful, powerful. as if a numbing cream was slowly wearing off the panic attacks were getting more and more perfectly clear and coming from a lense that was out of focus to full 4k HD clarity. the more i felt the more, i couldn't handle and, they worsened over time. 


eventually these were the symptoms that ruled my life. 


the first time, i remember i was laying in bed. i was living with my grandmother at this time. and, i guess she made a threat of violence, or, yelled. did something to make me feel, isolated, scared, unsafe. Vulnerable, trapped. Impending, abuse, control. Lack of trust. It came tumbling down on me like an ice berg one night, after whatever trigger it was, maybe a little tiff we got into. Though they were rare, because I did whatever it took to avoid conflict. She wasn't the kindest, she was.. a "tough cookie" as I like to call it. And also an alcoholic. 


So she could be quite, strict and. Difficult, at times and. Sometimes she'd show a side to her that was more volatile. And yeah, I started getting this overwhelming feeling and I said I needed to lay down and be alone. 


And turned on something in my computer trying to distract myself. Calming music, classical music. Everything felt so alarming, and overwhelming. And I began to heat up like an oven. I continued trying to breath and closing my eyes. I felt my forehead and my upper lip and realized I was completely wet with sweat, my body as well. And I sat up and turned the music off because it wasn't helping. Nothing would. I tried to think, what will work, what will work, what will work to make this stop. Stop hyperventilating. Just breathe. 


I started whispering to myself everythings going to be ok, out loud. And saying it over and over again and rocking back and forth. This is an, inexperienced attempt at grounding that- doesn't work. Sadly. I didn't know grounding techniques then, and at this point, my body and mind was- somewhere else. Where? Trauma. I didn't have access to it but, my nervous system did. And I was experienced the, fight or flight response to whatever situation I was in years ago. As if it was happening, now. 


This is what happens with trauma, you either process it and move forward, healed form it. Like a broken bone. Or, it freezes in time and remains locked in place just where you left it. Shut off from memory, shut off, completely away. In an isolated chamber all to itself. 


Unfortunately for me I had *many* of these but, like I said that damn of trauma, the leak started small. So. 


Eventually, more of these panic attacks started occuring with memories alongside them. That would come, trickling in at first. 


I started remembering things, that were so, unbelievably horrifying to me and, changed everything I knew about myself and my life, my past, and the people I knew who abused me. It was, a lot to take in. 


I felt like I never really knew my dad but I didn't know why, and I just didn't have any memories really surrounding him as a child. I never really thought about it though. I suppose that was kind of the point, my brain didn't want me to. 


But eventually, during one of these panic attacks, at night. In bed. Lucky me. I started asking myself why is this happenign, why. If there is a reason for it, show me that reason. I'm ready. And I like Jimmy Nuetron brain blasted deep into my mind. 


And there it was. A memory, in fragments here and there. I remembered, little details at first, though I wasn't sure where it was, or when it was. Or who I even was at this time. Or if this was even, real. If it was really a memory or not. I was like, trying to make sense of the pieces my brain was trying to show me. 


Wooden floors, a baseball bat. My kitchen at home. I was in trouble. My fathers voice told me that, in darkness he spoke to me. And I'm like, why, why is this happening, Why is it dark, why can I only hear and not see? And then I remember, I wasn't blind folded. I asked myself, why wasn't I speaking? And I remembered, there was nothing I could do. He had me in an impossible situation I couldn't get out of. And that, I had my eyes shut trying not to feel the pain anymore. I deliberately closed my eyes after enough times being struck, I remembered thinking to myself, this thought I remember perfectly. "How do I get out of here? There has to be a way I don't have to feel this pain." And then I blacked out. Dissociated. 


I remembered opening a door in my mind, and walking inside of it and sitting down in the middle of a dark room with wooden floors, lit by a single candle in the center. It was cold but the candle had warmth so I sat by it. I was scared of what was behind me but something inside me told me not to look, not to worry about what was going around me and to just sit down, be quiet. I held my knees close to my chest and stared at this candle wishing to be warmer. And something told me to wait. As I sorted of wondered, "Now how am I going to get out? How will I find the door?" There was a notion of, "not yet" 


And then it was as if I was asleep. Everything just cuts out and, when I wake up I'm in my body again, regaining consciousness- barely. And I'm on the floor of my kitchen/dining area in my home. Laying there with my face smushed into it and there's drool and snot, and tears, and spit on my body, and blood. I started to cough, and choke. 

Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: its really fucked up

After I took a big exhale and felt the wad of mucous that had slid down into my throat and was stuck there. 


I noticed out the windows in front of me, it was dark. Which, I was confused by. And, why was I on the floor? I was like, "what day is it?" "where is everyone?" just very confused by, the silence and, how much time had gone by.... 


I started coughing it up and got up to get a paper towel to wipe off my face, and I looked down at my body noticing the spit and started wiping it off sort of upset, that he spit on me like that.


I wanted to cry but, I was too, uneasy and nervous to. My body was shaking, my hands... and it ached. It felt like I got hit by a truck. It hurt, so much to move. The pain set in more and more by the second. Everything hurt. Even my finger nails. 


Because, he had dragged me along the floor and I made my best attempts to grab onto things as he was dragging me, trying to stop it. I pulled so hard into the floors that it felt like it was going to rip my finger nails out backwards. Screaming and kicking made no use. It just made him more violent, more powerful. More menacing. More angry with me, for kicking and screaming it just meant more punishment. 


Anyway so my noticed the pain in my finger nails was sharp and, my nose bridge hurt and I was wincing and sort of saying "ow" under my breath in a whisper and feeling my lips, and my face. All, fucked up and bloody. 


Noticed tears under my eyes and started wiping them away. And I started crying as I was wiping them and, I kept wiping them and crying and, then trying to wipe more, and then cried more. Eventually I just crumbled into a ball on the floor. I didn't know what else to do. 


I hurt too bad to walk back to my room and I wasn't sure if he was back there and I didn't want him to know I was awake. So I just laid back down in the position I was left in on the floor and closed my eyes. 


And tried to stop the shaking, and the crying. So I would make anymore noise. And I wouldn't feel anymore pain. 


And I just focused on my breathing, calmly, and drifted off into sleep there on the floor. And the hardness of the floor against my bones faded away and went to a peaceful sleep. 


I woke up the next morning and quickly ran to my bed before anyone would notice me, and I was so relieved to have the comfort of my bed. I didn't think about what happened at all, after the fact. Except, I did reflect on, what my mother was doing. 


I remember asking myself, "where was she" when this was happening. "why did she let this happen." "where is she now?" and i just figured, i wasn't supposed to say anything I don't know, it was just this unsaid thing. 


bad things would happen and afterward, everyone was totally silent and we never thoguht about it or spoke about it. and it was better that way for me too. so I didn't have to... think, or feel, or cry about it. 


it's just nothing right? is how it was for me at the time. like, "oh well that happened no big deal." i minimized it *significantly* and made it like a grain of salt, when really that was, severe physical abuse but. in my mind it was like, someone just burped and blew their hot breath in my direction like, it was nothin. no biggie. totally normal just, dad got angry it happens and its ok and, it was my fault anyways so. no use in saying anything to anyone and, oh well. oh well! no big deal! lets just move on and... not think about it anymore no use in doing that. 


not like it affects me or anything, i'm not *affected* pshhh... i'm not "affected" hah. HAH HAH HAH. I'M so totally fine. don't need any help nope nope nope, everything is toooootaly fine here, no problems here. nope nope nope. everything, FINE. fine as can fucking be in fact. like, everything is literallly fine. 


so no worries. go about my day as normal la la la. get dressed for school la la la. go to school, focus on math and, walking in the hallways like nothing even happened la la la la laaaa


yeah. thats the "dissociative fog" i'm talking about. i had this amazing ability to like, switch into some other state where that shit that happened less than 24 hours ago, didn't happen at all. 


it didn't, happen, at all. 




but yeah unfortunately it did and, i would forget about it for a very long time because of my *powerful* denial and ability to bury every uncomfortable thought, feeling, or memory I had from the time I was born all the way through to young adulthood isn't that lovely. 


it didn't all start coming crashing down on me until i was in university tryign to make something of myself. started to lose my grip. so to speak. 


it was the hardest thing for me, to, in one night. one, minute. realize, my father isn't the man my memory painted him as and that blurry figure i never knew, was actually, .... someone who did horrible things and... i remember thinking to myself, "how could he do this to me?" "how could he of never said he was sorry?" "why have we never talked about this?" 


and i began to question myself even, i was like, "is this memory even real?" "no, it can't be... it can' tbe, that- that's ... " but no, it was. and i knew it was. i was 14, and i knew it clear as day, that was, my real, life. 


and that thought ran through my head on repeat, for many nights. who is this man my father was. what else happened that i don't remember? why now, that i rememerb this? what do i do with this now? how can i go "forward" what do i do???? what the fuck how do i deal with this? 


and the answer was, i started scheduling mental breakdowns into my week. i was busy so, most the time, i had to function. i couldn't stay up all night having panic attacks. i had to be, there. present. i had to attent church on sundays. i had to do clinic hours with dr. name here. i had to do school work, presentations, club meetings. hang with friends. go to dinner with my grandmother and my cousin. i had a girlfirned at the time i had to be present for. 


but when i was attending to my responsibilities in life, when i was alone. i was a complete fucking wreck. and i lied to myself, by pretending so well that i had it all together on the outside. i had my laundry done every sunday, i avidly studied, i took perfect notes. i wore a crisp clean ironed collared shirt and, smiled and shook everyones hand in church. I played ping pong and, told funny stories in youth groups and. Made the best appearance of myself that I could, primpring and priming my hair to perfection. I was, so tightly wound. 


A ball of stress really about to come undone at any moment and frey at the ends but I had no idea. The bomb was going to go off eventually. 


I just kept all of it inside, like steam buliding it up. emotion and stress and pain and turmoil and just tucked it all away like, "i'll deal with that later." "i'll deal with that later." as things came up in my head. thoughts and, memories and, feelings. about the past. about myself. about my present. thoughts that were, depressing and, suicidal. or, a bit, dissociatve and that i couldn't nderstand but were... affecting me deeply. making me feel like reality wasn't real, etc. feeling like i didn't even know who i am, or who i was. or the meaning of my own name. memories from the past. all sorts of feelings and thoughts. it was just all building up over the week. 


and then i would think to myself in my head, "no, you can't show up to this dinner crying. tomrrow afternoon, after school you can cry. no, you have a test to study for on fridayand a group meeting tomorrow uh.... lets see. okay on friday after your test, clinical hours. you can go and cry just before youth group at 8. gives you two hours to eat and cry. that'll be fine. 


and id drive to a secret spot that no one knew. an abandoned church, and playground, surrounded by a forest in the middle of no where mississippi (i'm talking rural ass, farm land, nothin but trees). 


and i would just sit there by myself and sob into my steering wheel thinking about everything. it became a habit. my drive to no where to be alone. it became my favorite place to be. 


alone with myself. just, letting myself free. to think, and feel. 


the rest of the time, i was a machine. just, getting by. 


sometimes when i drove off, it was a happy endeavor and i treated myself to my favorite coffee and i would sing and laugh, and say "FUCK YOU" out loud to my parents, to my ex's. I was losing my mind but. Sometimes I would lose myself in it and just start screaming and hitting things. "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" and then amount to sobbing again. 


sometimes it was quiet, and i'd just appreciate the rolling hills and then, the nothingness and the trees. and wonder about all the people who once had been here before in this abandoned place and what a happy place it must of been for those people who once were here, and i wondered if it was special to anyone in their childhood. and i reflected on mine. running through the trees, with my friend, barefoot. free. 


sometimes i'd lay my seat back and nap. other times i got out and sat on the playground by myself, tried to swing on the rusty swings and. leaned against the wall of the church smoking and, letting tears out.

Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: its really fucked up 

I did a drawing many years later (this year) of the dark room I went in 


in my mind during abuse 


It’s sideways for some reason but yeah that’s it

Posts: 201
0 votes RE: its really fucked up
Blanc said: 

its really fucked up that everyone wants to minimize the things i've gone through and make fun of it 

They shit yo, don't listen to them.


you say i talk about it too much but im just trying to process my shit 

We all try to work through it in life

and the clips play in my head all the fucking time

Eat healthy, stop trash food, and get a hold of your life.


im just sick of it you have no idea 

I've been through a lot of things in life. I haven't been through the same things you have, but I've been in pretty fucked up situations. So I can sympathize.


how hard i've tried to work through everything and, heal from complete mental breakdown. 

But you made it.


after a certain point there comes a mental collapse from just, system overload. with what you can handle. 

De-realization yo.


trauma is like, water and there's only so much a damn can hold before it breaks, it's a similar thing for me 

We break to rebuild. Or ass they say in Italy, what doesn't kill you makes you fatter.


i lived in this strange dissociated state like, on a cloud. everyone who knew me at this time said i seemed, "aloof" and "distant" like i seemed, "a million miles away." it sounds cliche but, this are the exact words they use to describe how i was at this time. 17, 18, in high school. 

Serious question, have you had your  brain checked?

sometimes when i remember it, there are physical sensations, or you start sweating and going into a panic attack and, a train is running through your mind so incredibly fast like a blur and you can't make it stop. you just want to breathe but you can't, you feel like you're falling down a long tunnel that will never end. 

Read up on dealing with panic attacks. You should focus on something else, talk with people and recognize nothing is going to happen.

and then after a minute the panic attack was coming over me and i felt like i was sweating and dizzy and going to vomit. someone was talking to me for quite a while but i wasn't listening at all i was just staring straight forward trying to breath in and out of my mouth. 

Don't focus on your breath too much. Just realize it's not real and think of something fun. Keep your mind preoccupied with slow-paced thoughts.


this was a tactic i'd used other times where i felt this feeling come over me before- back when i was in that "dissociative bubble" that i didn't understand. i thought it was just nausea and, i didn't understand why it would happen. i didn't know what i was having were, the beginning signs of ptsd settling in like fine lines that eventually turn to wrinkles. for me it was a sign of something a lot deeper coming. 

That's what it means to grow up yo.


and as i aged i came to know this feeling more and more, feeling it with more vibrancy, brighter, more colorful, powerful. as if a numbing cream was slowly wearing off the panic attacks were getting more and more perfectly clear and coming from a lense that was out of focus to full 4k HD clarity. the more i felt the more, i couldn't handle and, they worsened over time. 

Don't try to fight it. You can't run away from problems. Maybe you could do that when you were a kid. But you can't do that anymore.


eventually these were the symptoms that ruled my life. 

Then fight them.


the first time, i remember i was laying in bed. i was living with my grandmother at this time. and, i guess she made a threat of violence, or, yelled. did something to make me feel, isolated, scared, unsafe. Vulnerable, trapped. Impending, abuse, control. Lack of trust. It came tumbling down on me like an ice berg one night, after whatever trigger it was, maybe a little tiff we got into. Though they were rare, because I did whatever it took to avoid conflict. She wasn't the kindest, she was.. a "tough cookie" as I like to call it. And also an alcoholic. 

You're lucky to have your grandmother. You'll realize that in 10 years. She has shit of her own to deal with which she won't tell you about.


And turned on something in my computer trying to distract myself. Calming music, classical music. Everything felt so alarming, and overwhelming. And I began to heat up like an oven. I continued trying to breath and closing my eyes. I felt my forehead and my upper lip and realized I was completely wet with sweat, my body as well. And I sat up and turned the music off because it wasn't helping. Nothing would. I tried to think, what will work, what will work, what will work to make this stop. Stop hyperventilating. Just breathe. 

You need to keep yourself preoccupied. Change of scenery, anthing that will get your attention off from the panic.



This is what happens with trauma, you either process it and move forward, healed form it. Like a broken bone. Or, it freezes in time and remains locked in place just where you left it. Shut off from memory, shut off, completely away. In an isolated chamber all to itself. 

Compartmentalization yo.


Eventually, more of these panic attacks started occuring with memories alongside them. That would come, trickling in at first. 

Good. Perfect time for some mental training.


I started remembering things, that were so, unbelievably horrifying to me and, changed everything I knew about myself and my life, my past, and the people I knew who abused me. It was, a lot to take in. 

Forgive them, and you can move on. They had problems of their own.


I felt like I never really knew my dad but I didn't know why, and I just didn't have any memories really surrounding him as a child. I never really thought about it though. I suppose that was kind of the point, my brain didn't want me to. 

Then get to know him now.


Wooden floors, a baseball bat. My kitchen at home. I was in trouble. My fathers voice told me that, in darkness he spoke to me. And I'm like, why, why is this happening, Why is it dark, why can I only hear and not see? And then I remember, I wasn't blind folded. I asked myself, why wasn't I speaking? And I remembered, there was nothing I could do. He had me in an impossible situation I couldn't get out of. And that, I had my eyes shut trying not to feel the pain anymore. I deliberately closed my eyes after enough times being struck, I remembered thinking to myself, this thought I remember perfectly. "How do I get out of here? There has to be a way I don't have to feel this pain." And then I blacked out. Dissociated. 

He probably had his own reasons. I would just leave the past behind. if he's a good dad now then you can just forget it. People make mistakes.


And then it was as if I was asleep. Everything just cuts out and, when I wake up I'm in my body again, regaining consciousness- barely. And I'm on the floor of my kitchen/dining area in my home. Laying there with my face smushed into it and there's drool and snot, and tears, and spit on my body, and blood. I started to cough, and choke. 

 Sounds like a medical problem. I would go check it with a doctor.

Posts: 368
1 votes RE: its really fucked up

Maybe you can't remember shit because you were strung out af

Posts: 457
1 votes RE: its really fucked up

Not everyone makes fun of you or what you've been through. (I certainly don't.) 

I've only seen people make fun of how much you type so far. (Then again I'm new.) 

Honestly not the best place to process how you need to process things. (Could try dming the people who are willing to listen without judgment and that'll  try to help you in some way?) 

I think you doing what you're doing on here will continue to have a negative effect and you'll eventually post even more threads like this one. 

"Blood is really warm, it's like drinking hot chocolate but with more screaming"
Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: its really fucked up

Maybe you can't remember shit because you were strung out af


Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: its really fucked up 

actual footage from my childhood 

Posts: 3212
0 votes RE: its really fucked up

When you laugh at your concerns like everyone else does, then what ? 


Posts: 9478
0 votes RE: its really fucked up 

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