Any claims to the contrary are simply done in order to justify continuing this hypocrisy. They are constantly demonizing anyone and everyone that is not supporting their cause, and their cause is an aimless one.
Fascism as an organization and major political body died out after the events in ww2. Now its just either a fringe punk rock group of violent skin heads, or some minor gathering of racists that are barely heard of except when the media wants to sensationalize and get views.
They are not fighting against fascism, they are fighting for entitlement. They want to be relevant, they want to be heard, they want to be taken seriously. They do this through violence.
I am all for a world where everyone is equal, but Antifa is fighting on behalf of their own political superiority. It doesn’t matter if you are right or left leaning in the political scale, if you are not with them you are against them.
They will try to lead you around in circles and bring up talk about past events and human morals to justify that what they do is for the greater good. That at best they are willing to forsake their own ideals and become the same monsters that they fight to ensure everyone else manages to keep their freedom and rights.