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List of SC living memes

Posts: 2277

Edvard- a meme due to my memeing of him, and his very memeable avatars.

TPG- a meme for excessive and repetitive memeing

CS- a meme for being every mental illness thrown into a pot and stirred

Luna- a meme for her rage fits

Wormboy- a meme for killing his grandpa

Jim- a meme for being an extreme troll and provoking Luna rage fits

Primal- a meme for owning liberals in a trademark way


Please add onto the list.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
last edit on 5/21/2019 5:02:57 AM
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: List of SC living memes

i think everyone here is a meme in their own way

last edit on 5/21/2019 5:07:29 AM
Posts: 2277
0 votes RE: List of SC living memes
Billy said: 

i think everyone here is a meme in their own way

 I was just thinking that Billy. I just highlighted the prominent ones.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
3 posts
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