who thinks the little faggot needs to be demodded?

a day or two ago good made the argument that publicly available knowledge is not dox, yet turncoat still censors the content. now turncoat wants to censor cawk too. 

for example: because john qunintin dox info is publicly available at https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/john-quintin-varnum-jr_id_G3992176644986860275 and becasue hes not even a member of SC, the information should not be censored, but turncoat, in his desparity to show his e-power will no doubt censor my post for simply posting a link to a site with the information. the dox isn't even here on SC, yet he censors it

this place is supposed to be about freespeach. turncoat says fuck free speech. hes not one of us. hes just some pleb who couldnt hack it as a man, and now spends his days trying to make himself relavant as a power hungry femboy on sc