I just got some items from the technology section, all of which suck in quality. 


everything there is over priced but isn't high quality. 


-the technology doesn't work. don't buy it. it's literally a scam.

-the furniture is rickety and cheap 

-the clothes are poor quality, fall apart after 1 wash, and aren't even that cute or stylish 

-the food/household products are over priced and they have very little vegan, organic options or eco friendly things

-their dollar section is full of absolute crap and it's a cash grab that people fall for so hard 

-they try to entice you to buy starbucks cups at the front of the store that cost 78 million dollars per cup? it's a fucking cup. chill. 

-everything is cheap and shit. absolute shit. 


the only thing that is good, is the drug store beauty section. because it's better than a Walgreens/cvs drug store section- HOWEVER they are very limited in what's available unless you go to a *super target* but even then- the beauty brands themselves have all their products offered online and you can get the widest selection by shopping the brands that way- it's just inconvenient to pay for shipping though. 


never shopping there again. you can find everything online for a better price and a better quality- from trusted quality brands. 


and I would rather have it delivered to my door than having to bring all the bags in and do the whole check out process- going in public is annoying. 


when I was in the beauty section like 98 people decided to hover over me in the same spot and literally just reached their grubby hands in my face and were all like "PARDON MY REACH" *farts* and they had a screaming baby in the background that was literally knocking down the entire store behind me. 


and I just don't want to be bothered. I don't want to stand there with the check out guy, and smile and give him my card and he makes awkward comments about the products like, I got a smoothie and he was like "YOU SHOULD TRY THE BANANA STRAWBERRY ONE" and I'm thinking in my head "I HATE BANANA STRAWBERRY FLAVORED THINGS, you're DIsGUSTING." 


and then I have to carry like 9 million bags to my car, in my JANKY ass buggy that's like *rattling* and *swerving uncontrollably because it's alignment is fucked* and I have to be around like 9 million homeless people hanging out, outside and ghetto people staring at me trying to decide if they're going to jump me and like 9 million creepy rapists waiting in their cars staring at me while I walk to my car.... and then I drive in the most ANNOYING traffic through the most SKETCHY AREA where people literally SELL CRACK.... and then I come home... and bring my 9 million bags (which are way too heavy) to my door, try to open my door with my key and just start dropping everything and breaking everything. 


and then I'm sore the next day from carrying 9 million things because I get easily sore because I am weak 


and all of that just for the products to be low quality ugly cheap shit that falls apart and doesn't work. 


I also am unsubscribing from Ikea and Walmart. It's over rated and not a good investment with your money it's just a cheap option for people who struggle to make ends meet for the time being. 


honestly so over consumerism. 


I hate having to deal with all the waste and the animal cruelty issues and the lack of eco consciousness and the lack of vegan organic options everything is filled with chemicals and preservatives even the CLOTHING and all this fucking PACKAGING man 


and it's all just so annoying to deal with opening everything and ripping all the tags and the stickers off 


and then half the time, NONE OF IT LASTS 


and it all costs like 50 DOLLARS. minimum. 


everything is 50 dollars. that's the magic number. some fruit? 50 dollars. a box? 50 dollars. a foundation? 50 dollars. a shirt? 50 dollars. a shoe? 50 dollarS minimUM.


all for it to just fall apart in 7 months, and you have to buy a new one. 


furniture expires. 


technology expires.


clothing expires. 


pans get rusty. 


sheets get freyed.


shoes get worn down to nothing, and look like garbage. 


it all just starts wearing down, and becoming irrelevant, so FAST. 


makeup. everything. 


they're even introducing new collections, lines, with every season. 




and its all made so cheaply. 


plastic cars. plastic coffee makers. plastic cups. plastic coated furniture and faux wood. 


and we want to sit here and complain about straws? hurting the environment? 


nothing is biodegradable. 


your water is filed with hormones and fluoride. your food is filled with GMO's and preservatives, and high sodium, and high sugar. in things that sugar shouldn't even BE in. 


and even things we think are healthy vegan substitutes aren't really healthy! just weighed down with heavy corn, soy, gluten. fillers. which causes hormonal fluctuations and bloating, it's bad for the gut. it's not real nutrition. 




it's all absolute BULL SHIT. 


and I hate all of it.