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Random Thought Strings & Rants

Posts: 566

a thread for the miscellaneous shit that comes to mind

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
last edit on 5/19/2019 4:33:55 PM
Posts: 20
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hoes are like hoes. harvest the pussy then put em away for a year.

Posts: 738
0 votes RE: Random Thought Strings ...

hm, if only someone else had made this thread on this forum before

Posts: 566
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I didnt notice

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Random Thought Strings ...

there are literally 4 threads for this, Syst

Posts: 566
0 votes RE: Random Thought Strings ...
Kestrel said: 

I didnt notice

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 5403
1 votes RE: Random Thought Strings ...

syst 4 threads 

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Random Thought Strings ...

How are those people so self-absorbed? Why do they always wait for their turn to talk, but never listen? There is no point in saying anything to them honestly. You could just tell them how you murdered a hobo on your way from fucking angelina jollie, and it would not break their focus. They would continue with, "well yeah?! guess who I bumped into on friday? It was Jane from 2 years ago!". Simply listening makes you the greatest conversation partner those vapid niggers have had, smile and be genuinely curious about whatever it is that they want to say. Talking to them is moot anyway, as they're simply not listening, simply not there. There's this game I play where I try my hardest to find something of value in their words, there's hardly ever anything there. Usually you find one thing that might be tangentially interesting if you listen for long enough, but nothing more. The loudest ones are the most annoying. The more you listen the more you realise how much they repeat themselves. And they repeat the most basic of opinions with utmost conviction. Over and over again. Nothing of value would be lost from the death of such a person. Nothing of value to be gained from his life either. The interesting ones say something cool from time to time, I like them. As for the others, their existence itself isn't that annoying, but rather, how highly they think of themselves is what gets me. Maybe causing them distress will wake them up, that would be fun.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 15
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The more you listen the more you realise how much they repeat themselves. 

 And how are you any different?

Posts: 498
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life is no longer a mystery to me

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