If you install "NoScript" and go on this website, you will need to unblock scripts from
1) "sociopathcommunity.com",
2) "cloudflare.com"
and then there's a third one:
3) "gstatic.com"
This third one is a Google domain.
That's because I use Google for fonts, not scripts.
https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/arimo/v9/HNu4Nzh6q8Es60EMNZhs9w.woff2 <- example
Ok my bad.
Gstatic also includes trackers though right? So if you come here, am I to understand that Google will spy your ass?
Any way to remove trackers altogether? If google recognizes you it could link your profile to this website (either now or in the future). Is this a realistic concern?
I guess they could do it(since you connect to their site from here to download the fonts and if that connection has a header that tells google where you came from, they can, however if you care this much, you can investigate to remove this header, idk if this header is normally present either), but I dont think its a real concern. Because Ive not put any google trackers here, so if they do it, its illegal(I think, idk if it really is, but its unethical and they pretend to care), so officially they shouldn't..