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How to Look "Ideal" and "hot"

Posts: 9537


meal for the day: one very small sized croissant, taken with a laxative. and a cup of coffee. 


walk at 5am for at least 30 minutes 

bike ride in the evening for at least 30 minutes with resistance, no breaks. 

afterward, floor exercises- crunches, lunges, push ups, planks, knee ups 

evening swim 3 football fields 


try that regiment. 


this is how I treated my body when I was as thin as everybody says they wish I still looked like. 



last edit on 5/18/2019 11:00:06 AM
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: How to Look "Ideal" and...

Ew why would you take laxatives 

last edit on 5/18/2019 11:07:44 AM
Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: How to Look "Ideal" and...

If this is ironic your my favorite user.

If this is unironic your my least favorite user.

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