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Going back to treatment (bye bye sc)

Posts: 9354

I’m going to be gone for 90 days minimum 

new places new people 


not really supposed to be doing the old associations thing 


with people and places you once used so 


i dont think SC is healthy for me obviously 


I’m movin on 


Hard to say good bye but, I really really need to 


cuz i’m Literally gonna die 


i wanna say i’ll Post an update when i get out but i cant promise that i will cuz everything’s gotta be about my recovery here on out... it just has to be that way so... if i ask my sponsor bout it and they say no go, then it’s a no go. You feel me. 


Getting clean and sober but more importantly staying in recovery.... 


and I’m sticking to it. If you see me around here tell me to get my ass in an NA meeting no ifs ands or buts. Seriously. Kick me in the face.


k cya 


last edit on 5/12/2019 1:25:43 PM
Posts: 2815
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

Good luck, i hope you actually are going to get help

Sc is pretty boring.
last edit on 5/12/2019 1:30:46 PM
Posts: 738
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

blanc claims to go to therapy but comes back 2 days later (2000000000000th reboot: electric boogaloo)

Posts: 151
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

BYEbye Blanc, come back being a bad bitch


Too lazy to change my profile picture
Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

there's a reason why treatment won't work for some people 

addicts go in and out of treatment and it often just doesn't work 

you're just running away again 

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

Ya dude, surround yourself with higher quality people who make you happy. Thats what I did and i'm happy all the time now

who you socialize with can make a huge impact on how you feel about life and yourself and it can influence sobriety too but you def need more than just a change in friend group. good luck on your recovery im glad youre going to seek treatment :) 

there is so much to live for but you have to commit to staying out of a negative mindset and not letting other less fortunate people drag you down!!

last edit on 5/12/2019 10:41:47 PM
Posts: 3136
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

Only we can fix ourselves mentally with realizations and healthy decision making. If we expect others to cure us mentally, that's an issue in itself, when does that ever stop ?

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

Only we can fix ourselves mentally with realizations and healthy decision making. If we expect others to cure us mentally, that's an issue in itself, when does that ever stop ?

 Yes, but going into therapy/rehab/whatever as a heroin addict is one of those healthy decisions. From what I've read the withdrawal is pretty yikes, and has lower chances of success unassisted.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 2862
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Going back to treatment...

Classic blanc thread. 

10 posts
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