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Drama stirring up again with Delora...

Posts: 9511

ugh, here we go again folks. 


Delora said she makes the best pancakes on SC last night at 00:49 on the dot 




so 2:36am-6 hours= 8:36am EST 


and that means. 


That this morning she in fact was actually claiming that her pancakes, which she *claimed* she would take a picture of, are the best pancakes on SC??? 


Excuse me? 


Here we go again Delora. I’ll have you know, just because you say something doesn’t make it true. And you yet, in fact are lying again. And also challenging the status, of me, blanc- the best pancake making champion of SC reigning world champion (copyrighted 2006) Olympian 5 time winning pancake making award winning pancake maker 


So.... she really thinks she can just go around acting like she’s the best when she’s not, I bet she’s going to upload an ugly picture of her “so/so” pancakes claiming they’re the best 


So I just wanted to clarify that, and clear the air on that. (Ugh, drama) that I, am in fact, the best pancake maker and everyone knows this. So just, pack your bags, go home. Dpn’t Bother competing, like everyone knows i’m The best. 


I’m just the best Delora. 


-signed blanc, official pancake maker of SC and world reigning champion pancake making pancake maker 

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Drama stirring up again...

:O blanc's pancakes are indeed better, but what do you expect she's fat so of course she makes good pancakes:p

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Drama stirring up again...

fatty fatty

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