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the growing problem of homeless college students, has become so prominent in the United States, 

that now, college pamphlets advertise on the front of it, the services and benefits they are willing to offer to homeless attendees. 


so you'll offer them hamburgers and books, 

but not a free education. not a place to sleep at night. no never, we couldn't get away with that.

the quality of education would go downhill! 


I suppose it only works in Germany eh? 


the quality of education for the entitled, while the quality of life for people with less, declines- and declines. 

is this something you're really willing to sleep with at night? 

Posts: 9476
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high treatment refusal is leaving the people who can't afford treatment to suffer and die 

from an illness they didn't choose 

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Posts: 2653
0 votes RE: questions I have for th...
Blanc said: 

france has initiated a less-waste policy where food they are forced to throw out, in establishments and grocery stores, are now given to the poor and starving. 

and you America, what do you have to say about this? 

What happens if one of those poor and starving gets sick from said food that was supposed to be thrown out? In America we're very Sue-Happy, I can see this forming problems. 

But many churches do this, they go out to the bigger stores and take the day old breads and vegetables and canned food to try to eliminate the waste as much as possible that's how their food banks work.

There's already many people that subscribe to Freeganism Ideology especially in cities like New York, San Francisco and Seattle. Maybe more people should go dumpster diving?


france notifies the public whenever a photo is photoshopped now with a large symbol on every photoshopped photo, to lessen the catastrophic effects on young women, of praising anorexia and unattainable beauty standards for decades. 


and what do you have to say America 

 That perhaps we should start instead first with the fashion industry rather than the country itself. When Many brands still use underaged and underdeveloped models, still put many models through exercise routines and diet all the while having them say that they eat pizza and burgers and pastries as a way to seem relatable. 

Aerie launched a campaign awhile back where they stopped photoshopping their models and it seems to still be going on. So maybe it's time for fans of other brands to clamor for it instead of just expecting that these companies would have your mental health in mind. Not when your need to be perfect has them getting more money. 

Posts: 9476
0 votes RE: questions I have for th...

did you know homeless shelters don't exist in Mexico? 


you know why? because if they did, the streets would be empty- and every shelter in the country would be beyond capacity. 


in america, I've seen beggars. 


but not like the beggars in Mexico. 


nothing like it. 


the beggars in Mexico are selling tatted shirts off their backs (not an exaggeration, I'm dead serious) and the shoes off their feet. 


they beggars in Mexico are 5, and 6 years old and barefoot. with dirty faces. 


every morning, I came out of my hotel room in an inner city area, i was greeted by two young smiling boys who asked me the same question every morning. "pesos, porforvor."


they caught onto me when they noticed me walking every morning to get coffee, they followed behind me a few feet, because I think they heard the jingling coins in my pocket. at first I thought they were cute, and then as they approached me I looked at their dirty faces, their rotting teeth, and their bare feet. and I said, "where are your shoes?" and they said, "we don't have any." 


and I said, "where are your parents, does someone care for you?" and they shook their heads. 


and I said, "where do you come from, where do you sleep at night?" 


and they pointed just behind the corner of a building, on the edge of the sidewalk, two boxes were positioned sideways, so you could crawl into them. with newspaper in them. 


and then they looked back up at me and, they were no longer smiling. 



in Mexico they tie starving animals to trees in villages, to kill them. when they can no longer afford to feed them. 


working for a shelter at the time, we would go on pick ups. and just go into these villages where things were most desperate, and take every dog and cat we found. wandering the street or, tied to trees. 


the people would see us coming, and bring us their animals as well. telling us to find them a better place to live. 



with a group I was working with, we went to the worst parts. even worst than these villages. and we said, we are here to help- what is it you need *most* 


and all they asked for was water.


so we started building wells around the country. 


last edit on 10/10/2019 11:28:44 PM
Posts: 2653
0 votes RE: questions I have for th...

This indignation high you're feeling right now, is this all for show or are you actually going to do something about any of these social issues? 

Will you go back to posting about make up and Starbucks?

Posts: 9476
0 votes RE: questions I have for th...

drink MILK (alter your hormones) 


eat MEAT 

(animals don't matter)




and get DRUNK 


(kill your brain cells) 



so is toothpaste (limit creative and critical thinking ability by consuming fluoride) 


the only MEANING in life is 


(work till you die) 



(we need gene variation to survive as a human race) 



(and create superbugs) 


last edit on 10/10/2019 11:52:43 PM
Posts: 9476
0 votes RE: questions I have for th...

stay in SCHOOL 

(and get told what to think, not how to think) 


give them LABELS and JOBS 

(labels and occupation give you the illusion of meaning, importance, and belonging. keeping you blind to how worthless you really are to us)


and WATCH TV, especially the NEWS 



fight EACH OTHER, 

(not the system) 



(and eat foods high in starch, sugar, BPA's, GMO's, fillers, artificial preservatives and MORE!) 



(and deplete the earth of it's natural resources and perpetuate global warming) 


everything here, is PLASTIC 

(plastic is cheap and makes me rich!) 

(who cares about the ocean, or sea turtles) 


vote in the next coming ELECTION 

(but think about it, who's really winning) 


us, or them. 


pledge allegiance to the FLAG 

(and remain content with our corrupt system) 



(and celebrate the mass murder of Native Americans) 

(they didn't have rights but, we do! [because we made the rules] so it's fine with us! our country is so ethical, and free)



(as long as you pay for it)


the national anthem song is not a joyful tune, the apocalypse is already here. we are living in it. 

but we are too numb, and distracted, and corn-happy- to feel it's effect. 

we are too condemned to sedation, oppression. and too content to care. 

we take what we are given and don't ask questions. 

we turn a blind eye. because we think we are powerless. 


wake up.

power to the people. 

last edit on 10/11/2019 12:09:44 AM
Posts: 9476
0 votes RE: questions I have for th... 

proof that people are brain washed 

Posts: 833
0 votes RE: questions I have for th...

I recommend this. Though, there's no "Illuminati"

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