Feminists- They believe there is a wage gap, when in reality it's just men pursuing lucrative things more frequently. They have made human life into a convenience question.
Male feminists- They are also fighting to fill the wage gap.... Between the feminist's legs.
Stoners- They all act the same, and all think their thinking is special.
Heroin addicts- They touched heroin in the first place.
Histrionics- They consider negative attention better than no attention.
Sociopaths- They do things like set vehicles on fire publicly and get locked up. *Cough* Slay *Cough*
Liberal arts majors- They chose a career that doesn't make anything.
People who hate math- It's ok to suck at it, not so ok to not respect what it has done for us.
People who hate art and English- Those are also very important albiet low paying.
Casual Kanye Fans- TFW you listen to I Am A God to boost your ego despite it being an ironic song.
Journalists- They make non-stories about Trump all the time because they aren't smart enough to come up with other stories.
Rotten Tomatoes critics- They rated Dave Chappelle's special low. Cmon, you gotta have enjoyed SOME of it.
The LGBTQAAIP community- They sacrifice their personality to become consumed with their sexual orientation and that's it.
Anti semites- They either think all Jews are elitist rich people, or even if all of them are, then they are being jealous.
Cardi B fans- This is the queen of basic bitches.
Apathy signalers- Not caring in of itself isn't a perfect virtue.
Please add to my list.