She is too young, this is so strange.
"She is too young, this is so strange."
it's not really that odd, for one she has some help with her videos, the other fact is that children now have an unlimited supply of information through the internet and can find out about 9/11 conpsiracy vids, pirated books articles etc very easily, there is an unrestricted supply of information now and kids as young as 12/13 year olds can learn about post modernism by watching jordan peterson on youtube
the future is now boyz
"She is too young, this is so strange."
it's not really that odd, for one she has some help with her videos, the other fact is that children now have an unlimited supply of information through the internet and can find out about 9/11 conpsiracy vids, pirated books articles etc very easily, there is an unrestricted supply of information now and kids as young as 12/13 year olds can learn about post modernism by watching jordan peterson on youtube
the future is now boyz
And why does she give a shit?
" And why does she give a shit?"
children are naturally curious, i imagine it first comes from watching a "jordan peterson bashes feminist for the 1295120571205th time" video for the lulz then thinking "hm who is this jordan peterson?" and then they can watch his lectures on psychology and post modernism and get engrossed by this cool guy who makes fun of morons who is also smart thereby promoting intellectual stuff which is nice