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the gayest poem I've ever written

Posts: 9537

*grabs microphone nervously* 

*awkward microphone noises*

*clears throat* "queue the music"


What they do not see 

Is the full range of colors 

In bloom 

That I feel 

Every time I look at you 

the feelings aren’t butterflies 

They’re rainbows 

And that’s the gayest thing I’ve ever heard 


All the colors in bloom inside you 

A full array 

Like candy 

And bouquets 


They do not know the range of motion 

Or the dimension 

And depth that 


My empty bones 

When I lay with you 


Between the lines 

In the quiet silent eyes 

Gazing from across the room 

I know it’s you 


And there isn’t any scientific proof 

About it 


I feel color 

Lighter than the day 

Deep in my throat 

A dark maroon 

Like silk 

That mixes with electric blue 

And lavender 

Softer than cotton 

Billowing in the wind 

Warm damp cloth 

In the sunlight 

That is the gold you cast on my heart 

Like hot fire orange, 

Carving into an iron cage 

lion, ferocious, now tame 

Pale blues 

That turn to the kind of blue 

That swallows 


And erodes mountains 

The electric lightning 

That runs rivets in my breath 



And how the 


Is coaxed out of my lungs 

When you kiss me 


They will never measure 

The warmth of your palm 

Against mine 


The sweat poured 

Over diamonds 

The calendar days 

Spent waiting 

to ask her 

To marry me 


And they say, 

It’s all just a complex 

In our heads 

Led us astray 

From the real way. 


But I feel color 

Red, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue 

a whole bouquet 

Inside me 

Fully in bloom 

That makes up every fiber of my being 

Entwined with every vein. 


And you want to say 

That I don’t know what I’m talking about- 



You don’t know. 

What you’re talking about. 

I’m gay, 


and You’re straight 


We stand on opposite sides of the fence 


but between us, there’s no difference 


Posted Image

last edit on 5/3/2019 2:30:56 PM
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