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reminder of the dox attack method, invented by me

Posts: 894

hypothetically speaking of course.

imagine a site designed to make fun of the less fortunate. you know, where doxing is allowed and encouraged.

and the people doxed have little means of retaliation.

now maybe they deserve the dox and maybe they dont. recent events have shown, innocent people get doxed due to idiots and their delusional bullshit internet vigilante justice.

well, here is how you take those mother fuckers down. you use their own tools against them, doxing. except you dox the most bad ass mother fuckers known to man.

you know, people that can make their life a fucking living hell. the local district attorney would be a good start. local cops, politicians, bad ass prosecution lawyers with lots of money. those kinds of people with power and money.

silently and sly like you slip the doxes in under the radar. not making a big deal about it.

you see, sites that allow doxing are now called accomplices. the site can no longer point back to the users that did the doxing. after all, they themselves are creating a haven for the doxers.

then you wait, after about six months you then let the doxed people know their personal info is up on a dumbass web site known for doxing.

now, several sites are hiding behind ISP proxies, which is ok, you just start with the proxies. eventually you make life so fucking miserable for the proxies, they are like, "why are we hosting these ass holes? WTF"


i do not condone or encourage doxing or any other illegal activity as this above description is a script for a future movie i am making.






Posts: 894
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bumpy bumpy

Posts: 5403
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*throws bags of validation* here

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