I've decided to return the honor after having 100 threads made about me by this thirsty emotional orbiter.
The first time this faggot was narc injured and got on my case was around 2017 when I criticized some rant he made as "pseudointellectual". Faggot went around and told everyone what a loser troll pedophile i am blah blah and mentioned me in prob 100 threads.
The second time was me posting pics of us happy with CS on a boat, he lashed out because while I was hitting high mileage damaged goods nigger poontang his girlfriend was slurping tyrone dick thankful for giving her a way to get the attention she always craved.
This sensitive mangina got chased off 5 forums to date by e-bullies for making fun of him being a bbc cuckold and he returns to the places he got slapped around on because that's how desperate he is for a self esteem boost.
So now that everyone's laughing at how him and his wife are autistic they attack every girl (especially peach chan which is the cutest loli and doesnt deserve it), but they're so afraid of internet people not giving them attention anymore they had to make a puppet for it.
I'm not sure how delora was married without a mental aptitude test first, did her parents consent to handing their potato over like britain handed hong kong to china?
My advice for you is, stop crying over internet people making fun of you, become a man, fuck human beings instead of vegetables, and don't make threads about me again, my gay phase is over man, I'm not interested.