"Blood is really warm,
it's like drinking hot chocolate
but with more screaming"
I like the evil smiles on her legs. A succubus that steals your soul and stores it to get thiccer tighs 😂
It'd be neat if they were given a sense of impression, of depth into the flesh with a little shading to make it look like more than just external markings.
Harder with the teeth but that's a good idea, when I get home I'll add to it. Thank you.
such a good idea yesss
This is my favorite bc of the raw emotions but the girl in the above drawing is beautiful
last edit on
12/30/2019 10:45:16 PM
This is my favorite bc of the mmraw emotions but the girl above drawing is beautiful
Thank you.
My emotional ones I prefer to keep close than share.
"Blood is really warm,
it's like drinking hot chocolate
but with more screaming"