alright im fucking buzzed right now but straight out of the blue I can tell that you that not one of these terms has to do with real dating. each one also incorrectly prescribes the template of a co-dependent person and a very distant person dating as being the generalized form of dating. No this is not correct.
Although those who have co-dependency issues will attempt at every turn to make their problems the center of the universe (as that is one of the symptoms of co-dependency) this does not mean that most people are in fact like this. This is also true for those who are extremely distant (aka the oddly and almost non-identifying "Chad" meme). These people do exist but not in large numbers and are not the main representatives of any population.
If you want to date then don't bother with terms. Just try to build something substantive. If you don't want to date then whatever. Keep in mind though that you'll still always end up having to figure out how to pull out, no matter how ugly or unlovable the other person is.