Elite Dangerous has been my thing as of late.
It's absolutely mind-boggling.
Does that have VR support?
The ecosystem notion sounds really cool, I might want to try this.
Elite Dangerous has been my thing as of late.
It's absolutely mind-boggling.
Does that have VR support?
The ecosystem notion sounds really cool, I might want to try this.
Elite Dangerous has been my thing as of late.
It's absolutely mind-boggling.
Does that have VR support?
The ecosystem notion sounds really cool, I might want to try this.
Yes it does, it has VR support and I will have it in VR someday. The visuals are incredible especially the first time it's like woah
Bastion (1 Player):
This game has a surprisingly good soundtrack (as does it's spiritual successor, Transistor), the narration style makes your present actions always sound past tense, and the combat system flows really naturally.
The voice acting for the narrator over a silent protagonist has a nice effect for framing the story, too. It makes the character you are playing as feel somewhat detached in a storybook kind of way.