There is presently a debate raging about whether or not Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice ought to have an easy mode. They say that it must for the disabled gamers, and by not doing so the developers are marginalizint players. I say, fuck the disabled gamers. This game just is not for them if they cannot play it. It was never made with disabled people in mind, it was made with a loyal fanbase who enjoyed overcoming difficulty in their previous games, and that is who ought to be served in that regard. But like all things, the liberals and SJWs just had to give their worthless 2 cents on the topic.
And it's not as if the game is even THAT hard. Sure, you have to actually time your blocks, and being hit by an enemy does a nice bit of damage. You sometimes have to actually figure things out without a map or waypoint holding your hand. Some enemies absolutely require you to memorize their patterns to a tee, and you know what? This is how all games ought to be.
They used to be this way, too. Before the Xbox era came in with an armada of easy games, video games actually required some real skill to progress. Back when Nintendo game systems were a big deal, games had a lot more mind puzzles, especially the Zelda franchise. They also tended to have harder combat. If you go WAY back, to the NES, then games would have you die in one hit. Sekiro's difficulty is NOTHING compared to Contra. There were less things telling you what to do. Even a game like Luigi's Mansion; it told you basically NOTHING, but had an awesome atmosphere and actually had some good scares in it.... or the water temple in Zelda; enough said.
My point is, gaming has devolved so much that a normal difficulty game by old standards is now being called the all time hardest. I agree it is not easy, but it is fair. I personally think it is nice to see the modern gaming software being used for a more classic sentiment on gaming.