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-1 votes

Why exactly is Primal banned?

Posts: 2278

Can you honestly justify banning her but not Jim?

Is there any particular reason that she is harmful to the community that makes her need to be banned to keep it from being compromised?




My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 749
-2 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?

It's some bullshit legal matters Meta invoked, but when you ask about details he bitches out of an explanation.

It somehow involves Primal suing a female e-friend of Meta from Psychforums over fucked-up shit that e-friend said online.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 1110
1 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?

Primal is banned because Good said so.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?

I wanna hear it from good himself!

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 5403
2 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?

He explained it already in the thread about Primal being banned 

Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?
Pussywhipped Really Good said:
This is not a debate/petition, its a choice. I can't be the site admin of a platform which Primal uses to cause blackmail, defamation with the intent to destroy a life and take legal action, towards someone I am friends with. It is simply impossible and it can be taken as a law of physics. If you want her, go somewhere else. This is not a threat, it is simply how it has to be. There is no other alternative. I cannot be responsible for this, I will not be responsible for this.
This is not a grudge against you, SC or even Primal. It is what must be done. We all make choices and that was hers and this is mine. What is yours? This is not just about a dox or some ego being hurt, I can't make friends with people who are so easily offended. This is war, she is trying to destroy someone and I will not just refuse to aid her in it, but I will also stop her by all means that I can. I don't think anyone has done that on this forum to another member before, so I don't think anyone is in any real danger of being Primal 2. I offered to make the forum because I enjoy it, it is a hobby. But I can't put myself above my friend's wellbeing. So if this means that you will leave the forum and/or hate me, then so be it. I have been transparent and direct in all manners relating to this, so this should come as no surprise. Even the wasted $ is irrelevant this time, but I will not give you this chance again if you leave, simply because I can't be bothered to run in circles(especially if it costs $$).
Your petition should be to move to another site, Inq has the domain and I would have given it to you anyway. Do it now, before I waste more of my time on the forum, while I like making it, I like to make it at my own pace, but I changed that for you. If you want to leave later, I will give you the DB as well. I have no use of being petty about it. Not sure what else to say to make you understand, I just don't believe you want to understand.

Meta's explanation is that "It is simply impossible", "it is a law of physics" and "there is no alternative", LMAO. Only idiots consider this an explanation.

To make it even more ridiculous, that e-friend he talks about doesn't even come here, or even frequented SC. So he's just eating shit. It's personal to him.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
last edit on 4/29/2019 3:52:56 PM
Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?

If you still need my confirmation, then what Ed quoted explains it

Cheery bye!
Posts: 894
-1 votes RE: Why exactly is Primal banned?

I have been thinking about Primal a lot. Just wondering how the dogs are doing. Sorry to hear about lawsuit thing. Usually it's the lawyers that win.

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