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the sims just fucked me over

Posts: 9307

they erased my entire saved game 


I literally saved it, and went to bed. I wake up the next day, and the entire thing is gone. 


I can't deal with these origin glitches, it's just one thing after another with this program!! it sucks dick!! 


why. why. 

Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

nothing drives me crazier than losing an entire game of saved data like that 


*rage quits* 

last edit on 7/24/2019 11:42:50 AM
Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

Posts: 32850
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

Ahh... the fresh smell of Macintosh amirite? Posted Image

I remember the days of playing games on mine and losing tons of save files. If the computer crashed, I'd lose game data as far back as when I last booted the game up, saving be damned, for a few too many of them. 

Do like I started doing back then: Back up your files. It can be done online, with disks, with flash drives... Despite the games themselves being on the bigger side, the save data itself tends to not be very big. 

What happened is likely what happens a lot with macintosh: The save file got corrupted from your very act of saving it at all. Something borked during it and, from that being the last time you saved, it's all gone now

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

It's possible the game got overwhelmed because I was using bb.moveobjects hack for the entire design of a really elaborate house 


I've noticed with this game using any hacks what so ever makes the game more likely to glitch or completely shut down. 


But I think it was possibly something with my actual computer, because when I woke up I logged in and it's asking me start up questions that you usually get when you first set up the user. Like, "would you like to sync iCloud?" and like, I had already done that on this user so. 


Something may of glitched there and when it did the backup of a previously saved iCloud it got from god knows where (it like rebooted a bunch of old ass files I had deleted a long ass time ago) 


it probably wiped my sim save. 

Posts: 32850
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over
Blanc said: 

It's possible the game got overwhelmed because I was using bb.moveobjects hack for the entire design of a really elaborate house 

...yeah I think you just answered your own question. 

But I think it was possibly something with my actual computer, because when I woke up I logged in and it's asking me start up questions that you usually get when you first set up the user. Like, "would you like to sync iCloud?" and like, I had already done that on this user so. 

Unless it wiped your computer or did that huge of an automatic update I can't see that being related personally, but idk. 

Something may of glitched there and when it did the backup of a previously saved iCloud it got from god knows where (it like rebooted a bunch of old ass files I had deleted a long ass time ago) 

it probably wiped my sim save. 

Backups are golden, no matter what caused it. There's so many possible causes for it that it's safer to just plan around it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/24/2019 5:12:29 PM
Posts: 2815
2 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

PC master race. use all the hacks you want and it still works fine

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 5402
1 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

500 dollar laptop masterrace

Posts: 32850
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

PC master race. use all the hacks you want and it still works fine


It's better than a Mac anyway. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: the sims just fucked me over

Im getting a PC this week for some heavy duty softwares I have to use for work anyway so 


 I will post the specs I need and if you have any suggestions that still adhere to those specs then lemme know 


I’m asking around for recommendations from like everyone lol 


Posted Image 


And then I’ll also be using auto-cad, which CET and lumion coincide with 

last edit on 7/24/2019 7:08:31 PM
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