From what I gathered he's judging himself too harshly over being a sore winner and otherwise doesn't like "what this place is bringing out of him".
Yes, I'm sure that's why he makes bold claims about exposing me and then, after being pushed on it, immediately disappears for a year. Or first promising to make a thread where he admits he was wrong about Sensy and I being the same person, only to reneg on that promise and disappear for a few months.
I'd say these are unrelated to the topic, and instead justifications for you to not have to look at your compound loss. Time and patience with much repetition, even streamlined down to a bullet list, has not humbled you at all.
It's been over a month and you still can't admit to being wrong over very basic things. I think he's more than proven his victory at this point and that his online status from here-on is largely irrelevant. I'd love to see it continue, but you still haven't surpassed John Johnson evidence and you this far along are barely participating within the praxis, instead pushing for redefinitions that he even accepts at points and then logic principally stomps on.
Unfortunately... he likely figures that he's supposed to be better than this, and that this place brings out an uncivilized side of him. As your semantic tomfoolery went on he minded less and less if he appeared impolite, and it even spread into his talks with other users, like Luna.