XenaImma hop in the shower and start my day. I have an appointment in a few hours
XenaCheck out Greatem tryinta backpeddle on the cp issue.
XenaThat piece of shit Cawk is using an avi with an infant getting choked till his lips turn blue. He looks like Dead Olly after Jon Snow hanged him as a traitor ffs
XenaJust bc the little guy isn't getting fucked, that's somehow ok?
XenaI know the Dead Olly effect was makeup and/or CGI. I'm not so sure about Cawk's strangled baby
XenaNice try, Meta. You fail on the child abuse issue. Again.
That's not child porn and its not illegal.
Backpeddle???? Are you out of your mind?
I've done more about the CP issue then Luna ever has, you insane mongoloid. God, you are so pathetic, you will go to any length for your little petty games, you make me sick.