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1 votes RE: Cooking with SC
Xadem said: 

I didn't even use a bowl, I just mixed various nuts and dried cranberries in a plastic box which had previously been filled with one of the type of nuts that I used to make my current nut mix. 

Oh, then you actually made your own mixture. 

That counts... more anyway. I thought you just poured a box of pre-mix into a bowl you washed. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/26/2019 9:49:25 PM
Posts: 97
0 votes RE: Cooking with SC

I just ate a beer.

Posts: 2277
2 votes RE: Cooking with SC

Toxic Platter: 


Roasted Lena


My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 854
0 votes RE: Cooking with SC

some recipes of my own: 

chicken liver stew

1 packet of gravy poweder

half a small onion or just get free onions from the cosco hot dog section

1 stalk of celery

1 small potato

1 small carrot

a shit ton of free salt and pepper

and of course, chicken liver


thoes free coffee creamers half and half

mix that shit in your food steamer you got from the thrift store for 7$ and voila 



hawaii fish dinner for 2

bloody part of the ahi which is like a dollar but one of the best fish scraps, ahi is a tuna and the bloody part tastes like steak. or maybe one of thoes 3 dollar fish, or maybe a fish head, whatever cheap fish is available. the cheapness of the bloody ahi is why you can have mostly fresh veggies with this meal without going off budget.

canned potatoes

1 carrot

1 small zucchini 

1 lemon 

1 small roma tomato or any small tomato

and of course, whatever cheap fish is available but "ahi blood" the bloody part of the ahi is the cheapest and tastiest. i got 2 fillets yesterday for 1.17$

now, take the lemon peels after washing and scrape off all the white part and cover the whole fish in the peels, they should be entirely yellow on both sides. then put the second fillet on top, so that the peels are between them like a sandwich and both fish get some on there. put allllllllllll the veggies under the fish btw, so thoes fish juices mix with them whilst they seep on the veggies under. but put the tomato in there to and cut it small, and make sure to cut the tomato over the veggies so all that tomato juice gets in there. dont put the potatos in yet btw, they are canned and must be added at the end in the last minute or two. make sure you pepper the shit out of everything, because this will be a lemony dish and pepper is kick ass with lemon. make sure to salt your fish btw, before adding the lemon peels i forgot to mention that. it makes a saltier fish.

now steam that shit. in your 7 dollar food steamer from goodwill.

now, after its all done. put lemon on EVERYTHING. not just the fish EVERYTHING.  thoes veggies are the shit with the lemon im telling you.  sour as my husbands jizz.

and thats that. eat that shit on thoes 17 cent plates you got from walmart.






stony brook is a really good school
Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: Cooking with SC

Toxic Platter: 


Roasted Lena



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