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8 posts
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Father finds out on live TV that his missing son has been found

Posts: 5403

With a twist... 

Posts: 525
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

lmao this can't be real

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

Wikipedia article for context 

Disappearance of Charles Bothuell V; such a classic and stylish Detroit family name 

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

 lmfao reminds me of this

Posts: 525
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

poor Charles Bothuell V

Charles Bothuell IV is an animal, and not just because he's black


that acting tho, the dad deserves a trophy, it's almost as good as the acting in monster cool

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

I love how instead of seeming to be happy about the news, he mutters out "what...WHAT?" and starts looking around, clearly panicked. Instant karma on live TV.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

There are actual follow ups on that from other news stations.

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Father finds out on liv...

"My phone is dead" proceeds to check phone at the end of the interview HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

His body language though. He was so desperate to control it too. That thing with his fists was so fake, he tried to fake seeming happy they found him kek.

What a complete joker.

A shadow not so dark.
last edit on 4/27/2019 8:43:26 AM
8 posts
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