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What Not To Say/Do Around Military in Uniform

Posts: 9537

1. If you're dating, you do not hug, kiss, hold their hand. PDA in public in uniform is not permitted even though they're off duty. 

2. Asking them if you know your family member who served. They don't. Telling them about what you or your family members did is also annoying. 

3. Asking them what exactly it is they do/did. Or if their position is higher ranking. They will always respond, "I just take orders and do what I'm told." or they will say, "I protect and serve." Often the position can change on a whim, and bragging about rank is frowned upon- you'll notice no one does it. 

4. The biggest one is, do not thank them for their service. This just pisses them off. Trust me, just do not do it. 

5. Talking about kills, death, ptsd. Avoid these topics, some people just wanna go about their day without being triggered. These topics are personal as hell. 

6. Asking them if you can play with their weapons? No. You're not even allowed to hold them. 

7. It's yes sir no ma'am. Thank you ma'am. Excuse me sir. If you want to show respect, that's how you do it. 

8. Saluting. This is often done to members of a certain rank, within the military. If you're a civilian, yes- even if you have military family etc.- do not, do that. Lol 

9. Do not take picture of them in uniform. This technically isn't allowed unless certain occasions. But yeah it's technically not supposed to be a thing taking photos in uniform and putting them on social media. Aside from it just being a rule they (should) be abiding by, it's also just common sense. That photo may pose a threat to people with certain occupations within the military. It can get them killed. 

10. If they say they are off social media and don't post pictures of themselves- you don't do it either. 

last edit on 4/27/2019 12:51:01 AM
Posts: 1937
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>4. The biggest one is, do not thank them for their service. This just pisses them off. Trust me, just do not do it. 


Bullshit, everyone enjoys recognition, especially in the anti-military climate that is in the US today. Whoever thought this up has no real experience with military men and is a dumbass.

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 9537
0 votes RE: What Not To Say/Do Arou...

Ask anyone in the military about it, they hate it. If you want to gain their respect just call them sir or ma'am. 

It's not *about* recognition. They want it from their superiors or in the form of a medal. 

Not civilians

last edit on 4/27/2019 12:50:28 AM
Posts: 1000
1 votes RE: What Not To Say/Do Arou...

Number 4 is the most on point. 

I have an automatic response "thanks for your support"

Some people aren't born to be blessed with tragedy in their blood.
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: What Not To Say/Do Arou...
Cain said: 

Number 4 is the most on point. 

I have an automatic response "thanks for your support"

 seconded, I dont have the automatic response, it just becomes an awkward "oh, uh, thank you it's no big deal"

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 1127
0 votes RE: What Not To Say/Do Arou...

cain and syst - thank you for your service. 

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
Posts: 819
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I love when they praise me for the service I served. Number 4, large coke, fries and a quarter-pound. Feels good to be part of the McDonalds organization. Semper Fat!

Posts: 9537
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#cloggedarteries #heartdisease 

Posts: 523
0 votes RE: What Not To Say/Do Arou...
What is your source for any of this? My dad was in the military/ stationed overseas most of my life and a lotof what you are saying isnt true at all.
Blanc said: 

1. If you're dating, you do not hug, kiss, hold their hand. PDA in public in uniform is not permitted even though they're off duty. 

Everyone is a sucker for a wife and kids greeting Daddy when he exits the airport terminal in uniform. Lots of hugs, lots of kisses


3. Asking them what exactly it is they do/did. Or if their position is higher ranking. They will always respond, "I just take orders and do what I'm told." or they will say, "I protect and serve." Often the position can change on a whim, and bragging about rank is frowned upon- you'll notice no one does it. 

Answering a question isnt bragging. My dadand stepbrother never had a problem telling anyone their rank/ job

4. The biggest one is, do not thank them for their service. This just pisses them off. Trust me, just do not do it. 

You are a cunt. Is this satire?


The blood on my hands covered the holes
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: What Not To Say/Do Arou...
What is your source for any of this? My dad was in the military/ stationed overseas most of my life and a lotof what you are saying isnt true at all.
Blanc said: 

1. If you're dating, you do not hug, kiss, hold their hand. PDA in public in uniform is not permitted even though they're off duty. 

Everyone is a sucker for a wife and kids greeting Daddy when he exits the airport terminal in uniform. Lots of hugs, lots of kisses


3. Asking them what exactly it is they do/did. Or if their position is higher ranking. They will always respond, "I just take orders and do what I'm told." or they will say, "I protect and serve." Often the position can change on a whim, and bragging about rank is frowned upon- you'll notice no one does it. 

Answering a question isnt bragging. My dadand stepbrother never had a problem telling anyone their rank/ job

4. The biggest one is, do not thank them for their service. This just pisses them off. Trust me, just do not do it. 

You are a cunt. Is this satire?


 The military has a lot of dumb rules that are overlooked. For example, in the marine corps you technically cant just wear a t-shirt in civilian areas. They want you with a collared shirt or something but no one enforces that shit. So yes, technically you aren't supposed to be books do all this but people do very regularly. 

An equivalent would be like, the jay walking laws not being enforced in a rural area.

As far as the thank you for the service bit, most military don't like it. For me and my friends, we had met real fighters that had friends blown up, serve 10+ years. It feels wrong being compared and congratulated like you are that level. 

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
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