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Password personality

Posts: 5403

A password is something you repeat over and over and over again, but rarely see written out. If I write my password in normal text it feels very weird. I realise that there's an untapped little well of thread potential in this. 

I was making tea and I wondered what people's passwords are and how the choice of a password might reflect someone's personality. Or not.
Of course nobody's gonna reveal their password, but you can describe the general feel, or just generate a new one in the theme of the old one, it might be interesting to see which members adopt which style of code. It's a very intimate thing after all, a password. 

I used to make up a word that sounded pretty and had some vague resemblance to another word. Then I'd add a random number combination because I felt that passwords containing real words are too weak. For example Markov415 -> from markovka the russian word for carrot. Before that I used a latin phrase e.g. verba non acta as a twist on the original 'acta non verba' which means 'actions not words'. So it would be a fitting thing for a password. 

I learned that you can memorise anything and choosing a password that can be linked to you is foolish, because that just creates a weak spot. If you choose asspooft7220 you will eventually memorise it and not risk anyone finding out your password from analysing your life. 

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Password personality

Sometimes I have a paranoid concern that one day I'll have a stroke, forget my passwords, and end up locked out of all of my accounts. Even though that should be the least of my concerns if I've had a stroke.

I sometimes use Latin phrases like you do, usually it's a bunch of random stuff. "zenZazen#@!!crono" was a part of a password I had before. zenZazen being a part of something I made up for a crypto wallet once, the "#@!!" being part of how I usually put in some kind of spatial pattern on the keyboard, and "crono" (from Chrono Trigger) being a part of some of my oldest passwords. It would be a hell of a thing to guess. or probably even brute. Other passwords have Korean words in them, etc.

last edit on 4/26/2019 6:33:48 PM
Posts: 523
0 votes RE: Password personality

I use my favorite colors followed by  random numbers. Like my password for my bank is CloudyDusk666

The blood on my hands covered the holes
Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Password personality

My old password was Niggers321 or Faggots123

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Password personality

Sometimes I have a paranoid concern that one day I'll have a stroke, forget my passwords, and end up locked out of all of my accounts. Even though that should be the least of my concerns if I've had a stroke.

I sometimes use Latin phrases like you do, usually it's a bunch of random stuff. "zenZazen#@!!crono" was a part of a password I had before. zenZazen being a part of something I made up for a crypto wallet once, the "#@!!" being part of how I usually put in some kind of spatial pattern on the keyboard, and "crono" (from Chrono Trigger) being a part of some of my oldest passwords. It would be a hell of a thing to guess. or probably even brute. Other passwords have Korean words in them, etc.

 zenZazen#@!!crono is a fucking awesome password. I like your style, too. You're creating a mental pattern that makes sense to you, kind of like how I did with markov415. Except you take it up a notch. You're using your brain to generate an abstraction with a pattern, with a pretty hardcore result when it comes to passwords, man. I give it a strong 9.5/10 on the strength scale.  


I use my favorite colors followed by  random numbers. Like my password for my bank is CloudyDusk666

 That is fun. At first I thought it wouldn't be secure, but then I realised that I'm biased because that style suits you and somehow might be easier to guess? But CloudyDusk666 is just as good as Markov415 tbh. I'll give it a moderate 7/10 on the strength scale. 


My old password was Niggers321 or Faggots123

 Lol, of course it was. A complete lack of involvement while doing the bare minimum by adding numbers. Classic, but still a bit generic so I give it a 6.5/10 on the strength scale. Which will do in most cases, I guess. 

last edit on 4/27/2019 6:20:45 AM
Posts: 525
0 votes RE: Password personality

I usually take words (personal ones for more personal passwords and random ones for more anonymous ones) and insert numbers into them to replace letters, for example an old one was Gluc0s3


Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Password personality

I usually take words (personal ones for more personal passwords and random ones for more anonymous ones) and insert numbers into them to replace letters, for example an old one was Gluc0s3


 That is different, I hand't considered that. It allows you more leniency towards familiar words and yet the ability to scramble their meaning through numbers. That's very characteristic

Also l33t style


Oh and edit: I give it a 7.5/10 on the strength scale

last edit on 4/27/2019 6:35:11 AM
Posts: 525
0 votes RE: Password personality
Xadem said: 

I usually take words (personal ones for more personal passwords and random ones for more anonymous ones) and insert numbers into them to replace letters, for example an old one was Gluc0s3


 That is different, I hand't considered that. It allows you more leniency towards familiar words and yet the ability to scramble their meaning through numbers. That's very characteristic

Also l33t style


Oh and edit: I give it a 7.5/10 on the strength scale

 fank u fank u

and you should have considered it tho, given that I've told you my current usual password many times : p

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Password personality

I have a weak password for things that do not matter and a strong one for things that matter more.

The weak password is just the name of a character I like in leet speak.

The strong password is something similar to: oet5e!mld that I've memorised to troll a friend. He bragged that he was using some fancy password tool to generate different passwords for different websites based on a master password. He also said he can tell us his account password coz there ain't no way we can remember it if we don't write it down. So he says the password, I autistically repeat it in my head, and I remember it. You'd think I would have logged onto his account to troll him after this, but I didn't, since he's my friend. I simply tell him the password a few days later so he can change it.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Password personality

my passwords are generated via a formula i made up

they are secure enough, simple enough and show frustration that i have to care about a password.

Cheery bye!
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