Basically, I have an empathy switch and I'm wondering if other people here do as well? I'm able to empathise and care for others, demonstrating kindness and generosity, but then I'll get horny and want to have sex with an underage girl, and I'm able to shut all that off to focus solely on my arousal. I pretty much lose control, or willingly give it up due to pressure. I block everything else out and it feels like I just need to get my fix, despite knowing that I'm doing something wrong.
Afterwards, I feel bad for a bit then I move on. Every once in a while it comes back up, but usually I don't think about the horrible things that I've done. The way I've rationalised it to myself is that I need to distress and it's either I suffer or them, so it will be them. When I do feel bad, it's not really a shameful feeling. It's more like, "man, really sucks that they're suffering because of me" and then I go on with my day because there's nothing I can do to change it.