All this ass hole Jada is doing is trying to get your information. This is what he does. It's just a ploy to try to troll you into giving up your real age. "Oh I'm so upset that Jada thinks my age is XXXX, Oh no, I must set him straight." He has threads where he maps out people's times that they log in and such. He probably has files on all of us. Pathetic. Just look back through his threads, the same bullshit all the time. This is what I mean by transparent. He must be autistic and narrowly focused on trivial tasks.
I'm only curious. I really don't have files on you. I have a wife and a daughter, I don't really have time for these sort of things anymore.
I did those things when you were signed in with your alt like 10 years ago. So you must've been, what, 4 years old when you first came here? I'd guesstimate that maybe you're 19 then. 9 year olds do frequent the forum and your obsession with coding is pretty easy to explajn because you wanted power. Maybe I even motivated you to program and pick up that hobby? Actually, now that I think, I'm sure of it.
I made some login and sleep analysis and stuff. Honestly I wasnt that interested, I only made those graphs because when I suggested it as a way to identify puppets, Edvard laughed at the idea and called me an idiot, and I was extremely pissed off because of that. So I signed in with an alt and did all that to show him I wasn't an idiot like everyone thought I was. I mostly acted autistic on purpose but then when people believed I really was autistic, it annoyed me, because of the injustice of it. They laughed even at my genuine ideas which I didnt mean autistically, because they associated my thoughts with stupidity. It was highly insulting to me, and eye-opening to see how people with perceived low value are being treated. That was really why I made those graphs, because I was annoyed by Edvard.
I don't remember why I was so afraid of you when you were a child. But you found it infinitely interesting. I forget why, but the horror was real, I didn't fake it. The reason maybe was that youbwere so unpredictable, I never quite understood your motives, except that you were power hungry, which I guess is pretty typical.
I'm interested in bettering the world frankly. I was always a good person, and I was careful never to harm anyone. I suppose I was never corrupted by this forum, or anyone. I was always on the side of justice and looked down on those who couldn't uphold their moral principles. I'm curious about people and the human cognition. I'm not obsessed in the sense that I need to know things.
So tldr is that you are quite young. I would put you at 19 years old. Yes, id say now you're above 14.