there's literally nothing poisonous about seed oils and eating too much of anything is bad for you
Seed oils the worst omega 6 to 3 ratio, which causes inflammation. Unless you're otherwise eating vegetables and unprocessed foods, it's highly unlikely that your omega 6 intake isn't off the charts, and taking in seed oils is going to make it worse. So in this sense LiYang is right that it's poison. You're also right that you could potentially carefully calibrate your intake of omega 6 so that you don't run into problems, but it's highly unlikely you'd do that naturally without paying attention carefully to what you eat.
Hence why the US is fat and unhealthy while Italy is healthy. Except for melanoma.
Inflammation is the source of a tremendous number of chronic health problems.
However, don't mind me. I think it's entertaining to watch you two debate. It's like when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. I imagine your debates will be incredibly pointless because neither of you know how to argue logically, nor even bother trying to, and the only thing both of you do is live in your little bubbles and demand the other one to understand you.