Hello, as you all already know, I’m the supreme equally as psychopathic sociopatic manipulate and charming e-darling, certified dark triad mastermind, and untouchable god-complex femme fatale "Yuro"
Unfortunately, after a series of devastatingly not-my-fault events, I find myself tragically without a daddy. My previous one FAILED MISERABLY to meet the impossibly high standards I graciously lowered for him, and obviously, THAT WAS HIS PROBLEM, NOT MINE. I’m certain he’s now wallowing in despair and regretting every nanosecond of not worshipping me as the flawless, ethereal being I am grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
(npd entitlement and borderline pity-party spiral into a poetic masterpiece of cope and blame-shifting)
But whatever, idc.
(The classic "I don’t care" maneuver of a above intelligence psychoapathic mastermind, flawlessly executed despite being utterly consumed by it 24/7.)
I’ve totally moved on.
(Crying internally, plotting my inevitable rise, and designing my next power play in a toxic whirlwind of emotional manipulation and self-deception.)
So, to all the worthy (aka: delusional) ASPD daddies out there, do you have what it takes to handle a perfect nightmare wrapped in perfection? No? Didn’t think so. But I’m open to applications anyway.