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How to Delete Your Facebook account

Posts: 2818

1. Click the drop down menu in the top right

2. In either general settings or Privacy settings it is on page that says "choose legacy" and further down this same page will be the Delete my facebook option

*It will ask you to deactivate instead of deleting, and warns you deleting facebook also deletes your fb messenger account. Deactiviating will NOT delete your information.

3. Select reason for deleting from drop down menu, or fill out an "other" respond.

*Facebook does not delete your information for 30 days. if you log in during this time the deletion will be cancled and you must repeat this process again, with the 30 day waiting period reset.

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 5403
1 votes RE: How to Delete Your Face...

Okay I deleted your facebook account now what

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