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what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

Posts: 2927

 I’ve been thinking about something that’s been on my mind for a while now. You’ve told us your stories—about how you survived things no one else could ever understand, how you’ve been through hell and back. But I think it’s time you face the truth: the stories you tell aren’t the ones that really matter. You’re running from something much deeper, something you refuse to admit, and it’s time to call you out on it.

I get it—you’ve spent a lot of time building this persona around your “trauma,” around the idea that you’re this lone survivor of things no one else could imagine. But here’s the problem: those stories? They’re not true. They’re just distractions. They’re convenient lies that let you keep hiding from the one thing you’ve been running from your whole life. The one thing that actually broke you—the truth about your mother.

It’s so obvious that you’ve built a whole identity around these exaggerated stories, trying to make yourself out to be a hero. But we all know that the real reason you can’t face yourself is that you’ve never been able to face her. You’ve never been able to face the fact that she broke you down every chance she got, that everything you are today is because of the way she treated you. You lie about all these other so-called traumas, trying to make people think that’s what made you this way. But let’s be real: it’s your mother who did this to you.

You tell these grand stories about surviving things like columbine, but we both know those stories are just smoke and mirrors. The real tragedy—the real trauma—you’re too afraid to admit, is how your mother tore you apart. You hide behind these lies because it’s easier to make people think that what you’ve endured is some kind of epic tale than to face the ugly reality of what really happened. The truth is, you’re scared to admit that she was the one who made you feel worthless, that she was the one who taught you to never show weakness, and that she is the reason you’re incapable of being honest with yourself or anyone else.

You want to talk about surviving trauma? That’s your real trauma. Not the stuff you make up, not the stuff you can toss around for sympathy or to show how “tough” you are. The truth you won’t admit is that your mother was the one who made you feel like nothing you did would ever be good enough. She’s the one who made you crave respect and admiration from everyone else because you’ll never get it from her. That’s why you scream at students, why you need to belittle everyone around you—because it’s easier to control people with fear than to face the fact that you’ll never be able to control the one thing that truly matters: your own pain.

You think that by fabricating these big, dramatic events, you’re somehow proving that you’ve survived. But the only thing you’ve survived is your own refusal to deal with the truth. You’ve built a whole false identity around the lie that you’ve been through “so much,” and that everyone else should feel sorry for you. But you know deep down it’s just a mask. It’s a distraction from the fact that you can’t handle the fact that you’ve spent your whole life trying to escape the real source of your pain—the person who created it.

Maybe it’s time to stop pretending that your life is a tragic story of survival and start dealing with the fact that you’ve never healed. You don’t need to keep lying about the “big” things that happened to you, because the truth is right there. It’s your mother, and it’s time you finally admitted that. Until you do, you’ll keep running from the truth, hiding behind your stories, and trying to control the world around you, because it’s the only way you know how to protect yourself from the real hurt.

You’ve spent your whole life trying to escape her ghost, but you can’t. You need to face it before it destroys you. And you need to stop using everyone around you as your emotional punching bag.

I hope you get the courage to confront the real source of your trauma. Because until you do, you’re just going to keep lying to yourself, and everyone else, and it won’t ever get you anywhere. You can keep being Mommy's little bitch boy or you can be the light for the youth who have no light. Youth like you once were, and become the light you never had but for others. I know its hard. I don't have the lying problem but my parents were not the best either. I think that's why I latched onto you. I felt lost.  

 The truth is, the pain you try to hide—your trauma, your need for control, your anger—it’s all rooted in the same place: your own abandonment and brokenness. And I think you’re too scared to admit it.

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 11/19/2024 2:28:29 PM
Posts: 393
0 votes RE: what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

So basically pure projection.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

 I know this, because I’ve been there. I know what it feels like to have your world shattered by someone you trusted, to be made to feel like you’re not good enough, like you’re invisible. I know what it’s like to feel abandoned, like you’re always on the outside looking in, wondering why no one sees you for who you really are.

You hide behind your stories of survival, telling us how you’ve been through things that no one could understand. But I’m not fooled. The truth is, you’ve been lying to us all, pretending you’ve faced horrors you never did, using them to distract us from what really matters. And the truth that you can’t face, the one you keep running from, is this: you’ve been running from your real trauma—your mother, and the way she destroyed you. The real reason you can’t be honest with anyone, and especially with yourself, is that she made you feel worthless, like you were never enough. You can’t face that. Instead, you tell us other stories, bigger stories, ones that let you play the hero, the survivor, when deep down, you’re just a scared little boy trying to prove you’re worthy of something you’ve never gotten—love and acceptance.

But I see it. I see the cracks. And I see that you do the same thing to others that she did to you—you scream, you belittle, you manipulate because that’s what you were taught: that if you can make people fear you, if you can control them, they’ll respect you. It’s just like how your mother did to you, how she made you feel small, and how she made you believe you weren’t worth anything unless you earned her approval. That’s what you’ve become—someone who hurts others because you were taught that love and respect are only earned through fear.

I know what it’s like to feel abandoned. I know what it’s like to have someone tell you that you don’t matter, that you’re not worth anything, that you don’t deserve love. I’ve been through it. My own experiences left me with PTSD, and I’ve been struggling to survive every day. But here’s where it’s different: I sure as hell didn’t try to make everyone around me feel the way I did. I tried to tutor other students and be light for them even when they hurt me. You’re not always doing exactly that. You’re still trying to control people, to break them down because that’s what was done to you. But here’s the truth: You’re not in control anymore. The stories you tell, the anger you throw at us, it’s all just a defense mechanism. It’s easier to push people down than to face the parts of yourself you don’t want to acknowledge.

You want to talk about trauma? Let’s talk about it. You keep claiming that you’ve survived things that no one else could, but the truth is, the thing that’s really eating you alive is the fact that you can’t face your own past. You can’t face the fact that you were abandoned, hurt, and manipulated by the one person who should’ve loved you unconditionally. And because you refuse to face that pain, you take it out on everyone around you. You don’t have power, you have fear. And you’re too scared to face the reality of who you are.

So here’s the thing: I see what you’re doing. I see how you manipulate us with your anger, how you demand respect, how you twist the truth to make yourself the victim, to make yourself seem like you’re stronger than you are. But I also see how much of you is still that scared little boy, the one who couldn’t fix what his mother broke. You’re not fooling anyone anymore, and the only person you’re hurting now is yourself.

I know it’s not easy to face your past, to admit what really happened, to let go of the false stories you’ve been telling yourself. But until you do, you’ll keep making the same mistakes, you’ll keep trying to control people and manipulate them into respecting you, but you’ll never actually find peace. You can’t heal if you’re too busy lying about your wounds.

And I get it. I understand why you do it. I understand what it’s like to be scared, to feel abandoned and unseen. I’ve been there, and I know how easy it is to lash out and try to force people to respect you because you never got that respect when you needed it most. But you need to stop. You need to stop taking out your pain on others, stop trying to control us with fear, and start confronting the truth: that your real trauma isn’t the stuff you talk about in class. It’s the way your mother left you broken.

It’s your choice. You can keep hiding behind the lies, or you can face the truth. But you need to make a decision, because the lies are destroying you. And if you don’t deal with your own pain, you’re just going to keep making everyone else feel the same way you did when you were growing up—worthless, invisible, and small.

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

So basically pure projection.


 It’s not projection because I’m not trying to blame him for my own issues. I’m pointing out how his behavior—like the manipulation and control—is rooted in his own unresolved trauma, especially from his mom. I’m not saying he’s doing it because of my experiences, but because of his own pain that he refuses to face. I’m aware of my own struggles, but I’m also recognizing how his actions are harmful and that he’s using his own unresolved stuff to hurt others. It’s more about understanding his patterns and how they affect everyone around him. Yes, there are some overlaps here but I am a lot more self aware than he is. On top of it he would lie about being through a lot of things when in actuality sadly the shit that happened to me did happen and it did shatter me and sometimes I can still be a weak little bitch because of it. Also I don't bully people half my age into attempting suicide. 

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 11/19/2024 2:33:32 PM
Posts: 393
0 votes RE: what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

You are a very manipulative person and it's obvious.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

You are a very manipulative person and it's obvious.

 says someone who got upset with me for getting cps to take a mans kids from him when he was raping his own daughter


(not my teacher he's not a rapist, someone else

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 11/19/2024 2:52:21 PM
Posts: 1
0 votes RE: what I am going to send my narc liar Xmentor

My mum never kicked me. You might have been a nicer person if your mum was nice, at least for a while. Not all mums are junkie hos 

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