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need this to have a link for report

Posts: 2927

 cus my computer is stupid. carry on

cowboi — Today at 5:38 AM
do you still hate me?
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 5:41 AM
if you have sex with your pets yes
cowboi — Today at 5:42 AM
I believe animals can consent
cowboi — Today at 6:00 AM
She does this everyday to me.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:01 AM
does what?
cowboi — Today at 6:01 AM
stand up trying to get my attention.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:01 AM
whatdoes that have to do with having sex with animals?
cowboi — Today at 6:02 AM
I'm telling you my dog loves me.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:02 AM
do you have sex with your dog?
cowboi — Today at 6:02 AM
I don't kiss and tell
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:08 AM
what state are you in
cowboi — Today at 6:08 AM
currently in nebraska taking someone's load
lots of meat
100% beef
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:09 AM
oh is that where you are from?
cowboi — Today at 6:09 AM
I'm not telling you where I'm from
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:09 AM
i hear nebraska is nice this time of year
cowboi — Today at 6:10 AM
no it's fucking cold.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:10 AM
but thats when it starts to snow, yes?
cowboi — Today at 6:11 AM
probabbly. these north states are the worse.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:11 AM
does your dog travel with you?
cowboi — Today at 6:11 AM
of course
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:12 AM
how long are you in nebraska for?
cowboi — Today at 6:12 AM
we always take off leash walks every 3 hours or so.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:12 AM
just for the night?
cowboi — Today at 6:12 AM
they shipper take their timde.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:14 AM
i see
a hundred pounds of beef you say?
wow thats a lot of beef
cowboi — Today at 6:15 AM
i think it's more than that.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:16 AM
oh wow. so you take your girl to any parks?
must be off leashing there
sounds fun
cowboi — Today at 6:16 AM
all the time
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:17 AM
Nebraska sounds so different from where I am. What’s your favorite thing about it? Anything you’d recommend checking out?
cowboi — Today at 6:19 AM
It's nice and empty and quiet.
i recomend getting lost there.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:24 AM
Sounds like a place you could really disconnect! Do you usually go off the beaten path like that, or is this a new spot for you?
cowboi — Today at 6:32 AM
You really like pumping for information huh?
I'll give you a clue to find out more about me
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:32 AM
Haha, sorry, I guess I’m just curious. It’s not every day I get to talk to someone who’s always on the move. Just trying to make conversation!
wow how cute!
cowboi — Today at 6:34 AM
you're a bad liar
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:34 AM
you really spoil her with those clothes
cowboi — Today at 6:35 AM
I wish I could give her more
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:36 AM
I guess we all have our own way of talking, right?
Sounds like she really loves the road life. How long have you two been traveling together?
had her since she was a puppy?
cowboi — Today at 6:36 AM
I'm not going to give you anymore hints to find me.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:37 AM
Haha, no worries, I’m not trying to find you or anything. Just making small talk—sometimes I get curious about people’s lives, especially those who travel a lot. You know, it's interesting to hear how different everyone’s experiences are.
cowboi — Today at 6:39 AM
What's your opinion on incels?
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:41 AM
they are treated like shit
my husband was one when i married him
a self proclaimed one
cowboi — Today at 6:43 AM
:/ damn. I'm glad to have meant you.
it's not everyday you find a unicorn.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:44 AM
but yeah i get why it’s frustrating society can be tough and it can really feel like no one understands or cares it’s like everyone else has their lives together but it’s just not that simple it’s crazy how people in those situations can be treated like they don’t matter or like it’s their fault it’s not really fair when the system is stacked against you and that can mess with your mind i totally get why people feel like they’re not being heard
haha a unicorn huh that's a first for me i guess that means i gotta keep living up to the mystery right but seriously i'm glad you feel that way i like hearing your perspective on things
cowboi — Today at 6:47 AM
Can you stop pretending to be nice?
It comes off so fake.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:47 AM
i just feel bad about being a jerk earlier
you dont seem so bad
cowboi — Today at 6:48 AM
I doubt that.
💗📢🎶whistleblower📢🎶💗 — Today at 6:50 AM
yeah i get it i’m just trying to keep it real with you i don’t like being fake or pretending i’m someone i’m not but i also don’t want to come off like an asshole
🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: need this to have a link for report

got the dog tag in a pic but its blurry I hope the police can read it

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 393
0 votes RE: need this to have a link for report

I love how even in this they call you out for being a fake bourgeoisie asshole.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: need this to have a link for report

I love how even in this they call you out for being a fake bourgeoisie asshole.

 yes I am such as ass for trying to keep a dog from being raped by a trucker. 

🌺🐀 🌺
4 posts
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