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Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEducation

Posts: 2392

Tying it all together Covid19 Gender Climate  Wars Meat Migration Education

All designed to weaken society for the Globalist Communist "Utopia"

"You will own nothing and be happy"

Wake up!

TRUMP 2024!



These are the eight levels of controls by Saul Alinsky to transform a nation through socialism into communism.

1. Healthcare – control healthcare and you control the people.

2. Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you provide everything for them to live.

3. Debt – Increase the debt level to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

4. Gun control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control or what children learn in school.

7. Religion – Remove belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in only the government knowing what is best for the people.

8. Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class.


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Posts: 354
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...

The pandemic was useful for the DNC to steal the 2020 federal election. 

Not to cast insults, but those with  a lower iQ will think people like me are making excuses, or I'm not handling reality, while it's easy to see ( with proof ) that it was being done on the true election night in 2020. 


In Canada Trudeau made it illegal to sell or distribute handguns, meanwhile we do have gun violence and only the bad guys have weapons now. Existing firearm owners aren't allowed to sell trade or distribute their weapon, they can only submit it to a buyback program. 

Russia is just across the pod. Closer to Canada than anyone who isn't the states. I think Canada will be taken under siege. A signal will be given, and we'll have gunmen on almost every corner keeping us in check while power is being transferred over to some foreign entity, just like what the Taliban or Hamas did in Afghanistan and Gaza. It will be a hostage situation where the military and Police will be costing lives if they take action, but more importantly, basically no one in Canada has a gun. This type of shit won't happen in the US cause the people, many people, are armed. 

Some people will never recover from being mentally enslaved and in full support of the criminals that are guilty of treason.

Technically the best course of action to save the world, biblically speaking, would be to wipe us out. God did it before cause we've become stupid and self destructive, and right now it's the same as the days of Noah.




High levels of tolerance was never a good thing. A civil war will entail the following.

- Those who  fight for degenerate ideas that destroys our species.

- Those who aren't degenerate and fight for ideas that prosper our species for generations to come.  

Trump is the world's last hope, and the DNC must be destroyed, not even joking. 

Posts: 2392
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...

The pandemic was useful for the DNC to steal the 2020 federal election. 

Not to cast insults, but those with  a lower iQ will think people like me are making excuses, or I'm not handling reality, while it's easy to see ( with proof ) that it was being done on the true election night in 2020. 


In Canada Trudeau made it illegal to sell or distribute handguns, meanwhile we do have gun violence and only the bad guys have weapons now. Existing firearm owners aren't allowed to sell trade or distribute their weapon, they can only submit it to a buyback program. 

Russia is just across the pod. Closer to Canada than anyone who isn't the states. I think Canada will be taken under siege. A signal will be given, and we'll have gunmen on almost every corner keeping us in check while power is being transferred over to some foreign entity, just like what the Taliban or Hamas did in Afghanistan and Gaza. It will be a hostage situation where the military and Police will be costing lives if they take action, but more importantly, basically no one in Canada has a gun. This type of shit won't happen in the US cause the people, many people, are armed. 

Some people will never recover from being mentally enslaved and in full support of the criminals that are guilty of treason.

Technically the best course of action to save the world, biblically speaking, would be to wipe us out. God did it before cause we've become stupid and self destructive, and right now it's the same as the days of Noah.




High levels of tolerance was never a good thing. A civil war will entail the following.

- Those who  fight for degenerate ideas that destroys our species.

- Those who aren't degenerate and fight for ideas that prosper our species for generations to come.  

Trump is the world's last hope, and the DNC must be destroyed, not even joking. 

Yeah, the 2020 election was stolen. But I'm kinda glad it was. These morons in the DNC just exposed their agenda to everyone. Basically destroying the USA from within with gender bullshit, war, fake climate alarmist, mass immigration and economic depression.

Trump is right, these people are the greatest threat to our country, more so than China or Russia.

The USA sucks right now. And these people caused it on purpose.

Heard Trudeau is on his way out?







Posts: 354
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...
LiYang said: 

Yeah, the 2020 election was stolen. But I'm kinda glad it was. These morons in the DNC just exposed their agenda to everyone. Basically destroying the USA from within with gender bullshit, war, fake climate alarmist, mass immigration and economic depression.

Y'know. I'm glad it was stolen too for the same reason, plus there's someone like Trump ( very rare ) who would carry the burden of trekking onward through the flames at such a great expense to rid the world of them.

"The Establishment" has been exposed. The destruction of a secret society of rulers is now out in the open, and it's just wonderful to see the masses triple down on turning MAGA.

Worked out nicely.

Trump is right, these people are the greatest threat to our country, more so than China or Russia.

The USA sucks right now. And these people caused it on purpose.

Heard Trudeau is on his way out?

 Last week Trudeau had to cancel some important trip to stay in Canada and deal with a coup against him by his own party. 

The Conservatives are calling for a flash election this year, but it doesn't look like it'll happen. However, in October 2025 we'll be having a Federal Election, that's when damage will start to be undone. Canada will be returning to the Conservative Government.

Before Trudeau, Canada was the best country in the world. Under Stephen Harper Canada was the only nation to have a surplus at the end of every year. 


Posts: 2392
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...
LiYang said: 

Yeah, the 2020 election was stolen. But I'm kinda glad it was. These morons in the DNC just exposed their agenda to everyone. Basically destroying the USA from within with gender bullshit, war, fake climate alarmist, mass immigration and economic depression.

Y'know. I'm glad it was stolen too for the same reason, plus there's someone like Trump ( very rare ) who would carry the burden of trekking onward through the flames at such a great expense to rid the world of them.

"The Establishment" has been exposed. The destruction of a secret society of rulers is now out in the open, and it's just wonderful to see the masses triple down on turning MAGA.

Worked out nicely.

Trump is right, these people are the greatest threat to our country, more so than China or Russia.

The USA sucks right now. And these people caused it on purpose.

Heard Trudeau is on his way out?

 Last week Trudeau had to cancel some important trip to stay in Canada and deal with a coup against him by his own party. 

The Conservatives are calling for a flash election this year, but it doesn't look like it'll happen. However, in October 2025 we'll be having a Federal Election, that's when damage will start to be undone. Canada will be returning to the Conservative Government.

Before Trudeau, Canada was the best country in the world. Under Stephen Harper Canada was the only nation to have a surplus at the end of every year. 


 Trudeau is such a piece of shit. He's part of the globalist plot to destroy the West. He should be hung for treason. "Young global leaders" my ass. More like treasonous bastards selling out their own country.

Posts: 393
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...

Hi Liyang

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
Posts: 4578
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...

Hi Liyang

 Quit cheating on me.

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 393
0 votes RE: Tying it all togetherCovid19GenderClimateWarsMeatMigrationEduca...

LiYang is my friend and I do not talk to you much at all.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
8 posts
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