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Book Thread

Posts: 9354

This is a thread to talk about books.


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Q: What are some of your favorite books and why? 


My antique book collection: 

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Some of my favorites: Nancy Farmer The House of the Scorpion, Ayn Rand The Fountainhead, Sylvia Plath Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams 

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last edit on 4/25/2019 9:01:51 PM
Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Book Thread

I love books. Some day I'm going to have my own library.

What did you like about The Fountainhead? I have it on my list of books to pick up.

Posts: 9354
0 votes RE: Book Thread

last edit on 4/25/2019 8:58:14 PM
Posts: 9354
0 votes RE: Book Thread

This creatively and cinematically blew my mind. 



Posts: 151
0 votes RE: Book Thread

Nice, antique books are like icing on the cake. Love the feel of them as well haha. 

I'll send a picture of my lil collection later

Too lazy to change my profile picture
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Book Thread

I love books. Some day I'm going to have my own library.

What did you like about The Fountainhead? I have it on my list of books to pick up.

 The Fountainhead is great, imo better than Atlas Shrugs. 

The Fountainhead explores the place art has in a society and the the tragic beauty of the artist. 

So, if you're interested in artistry and its importance to a flourishing liberal society you'll likely enjoy it.  

Posts: 2266
3 votes RE: Book Thread

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More books laying around the house, but the only one worth mentioning is Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler.

I lost a lot of my Russian lit after my last break up because it belonged to my ex's grandfather who was a Russian professor, mostly Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, and Gogol. Currently letting a friend borrow Notes from the Underground because he's an alcoholic and I thought it'd be funny if he read it. 

My occult and magik related texts are currently located by the house alter. 

This one's for the Jews...

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last edit on 4/26/2019 12:09:12 AM
Posts: 2860
0 votes RE: Book Thread

You wanted to sneak in that cap didn't you.

Its perfect. It is exactly like the one i gave to my irl friend for his b-day ages ago too.

Cheery bye!
last edit on 4/26/2019 12:05:25 AM
Posts: 2266
1 votes RE: Book Thread

Absolutely, brought it from down stairs and posed it just for this photo. 

last edit on 4/26/2019 12:06:48 AM
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