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I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

Posts: 484

hi sc losers,

so i told you guys before I'm pretty sure that after almost a decade doing IT with state government making like 60k a year I got fired for sleeping in too much

at first I thought I'd just have to live really cheaply or perhaps buy a couple cars and rent them out to earn an income

but since then I started a consulting business that is earning 4k a month and i got a new 100% remote job that pays over 100k... and i have another client who is giving me 10% ownership in the company in exchange for being his db and server person

so basicly now i make a ton of money and I have no idea what I'm going to do... i can live anywhere in the world now or do whatever i want... 

mostly all I want atm though is to improve my earnings more....

anyway so things are going really well for me which is pretty surprising and I feel kind of numb about it as if it isnt real even though I'm watching my bank account grow... there is really nothing i want that badly

Posts: 13
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

Saw this WSJ article and thought of you

Posts: 9382
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

curious what the consulting business is, i'm sure the remote is probably doing something with your code skills? 


idk if you follow r/programming reddit but there's a lot of people posting on there in similar position working in tech who have figured out how / when to jump to better and better positions, some guy in germany claims he made it to a 600k position just by making moves wisely. 


the nice thing about remote programming work too is that it is needed pretty much globally so, it gives you a better chance of getting dual citizenship to other countries you might want to explore or live in for a while? there are a lot of people struggling to get citizenship with ideallic places in Europe since 2020 i've heard (on r/ex-pats) reddit that it's getting harder to 'get out' of America. 


So, that's certainly a luxury experience you could focus your sites on, and of course just growing your investments portfolio, learning more about that sort of stuff may be of interest of you, so you can eventually partner with someone in wealth management. 


Seeking financial advice- I'd recommend you be extremely exclusive with 'who' you trust your 'money' with, as there are some people who are gate keeping secrets, and running very 'run of the mill' standard procedure stuff that is kind of designed to keep you stuck- and then there are rarely, rarely- people you may be able to meet subtly through networking intelligently- who may be willing to share information that is of way more interest (life hacks that are financial life hacks lol) and actual financial advice that is like, kind of life changing. 


There's, locked doors out there to be opened is what I'm saying so- there's always more to do and further to go, I would say stay open minded and curious, creative with how you'd want to see your money begin to work for you- invest and get involved with people who are doing things that, may of be of interest to you who need partners- 


what you are doing with having a partner already is great, in my opinion it's one of the best methods to survive or have a leg up in a capitalist economy that is modeling essentially trickle down poverty... 


i know you like tech and engineering, so you may really be interested to check out for example on the space coast here in florida, it's sort of a little- incubator for engineering geniuses who just, need the funding, and are young brilliant people creating absolutely amazing innovations that will change the future. 


feel free to dm me on discord @blanc#1758

last edit on 10/13/2024 11:40:42 AM
Posts: 33192
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

Even with all the money in the world, your happiness is dependent on the approval of others. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2339
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

That's cool. I always knew you would be successful. Your brother was a good role model for you.

Anyway, life's about the challenge not the money. The money is just icing on the cake.


You should see the hacking I did on the ExpressLRS firmware, Epic. lol. Got my plane flying so sweet.

BTW government jobs are for plebs.


Posts: 78
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

buy bitcoin and put it in a coldcard

Morality for the poor, so the rich can be filled with ambrosia.
Posts: 832
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

You should tour Europe before it gets conquered by muslims (alr too late)

Travel to places you can't find on postcards

Envision where you would regret not traveling to when you get old and weak

Also, you know, reproducing would take a chunk out of that stream of income and make you dedicate your life to ensuring their protection. Are you really satisfied or is there something missing?

visceral normality
Posts: 348
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it

hi sc losers,

so i told you guys before I'm pretty sure that after almost a decade doing IT with state government making like 60k a year I got fired for sleeping in too much

at first I thought I'd just have to live really cheaply or perhaps buy a couple cars and rent them out to earn an income

but since then I started a consulting business that is earning 4k a month and i got a new 100% remote job that pays over 100k... and i have another client who is giving me 10% ownership in the company in exchange for being his db and server person

so basicly now i make a ton of money and I have no idea what I'm going to do... i can live anywhere in the world now or do whatever i want... 

mostly all I want atm though is to improve my earnings more....

anyway so things are going really well for me which is pretty surprising and I feel kind of numb about it as if it isnt real even though I'm watching my bank account grow... there is really nothing i want that badly

Don't get addicted to money. Tying your self value to money will fuck you up. I've been making more than you for a long time now. It means nothing. Just enjoy life.

I'm very happy you left that deadbeat job. Hope you get to travel and meet some wonderful people.

last edit on 10/15/2024 10:58:42 PM
Posts: 78
0 votes RE: I now make like 100k-200k a year but feel kind of numb about it
cx3 said: 

You should tour Europe before it gets conquered by muslims (alr too late)

Travel to places you can't find on postcards

Envision where you would regret not traveling to when you get old and weak

Also, you know, reproducing would take a chunk out of that stream of income and make you dedicate your life to ensuring their protection. Are you really satisfied or is there something missing?

 awwww another butthurt conservative bullshitter. "wahhh the muslims"

Morality for the poor, so the rich can be filled with ambrosia.
9 posts
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