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I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

Posts: 1
He was even willing to be homeless with us. He’s really kind and sweet, but I ruined it because I am mean. I told him I would marry some black guy if I didn’t have a chance with him and he told the truth, finally. Then, I said that he has to remember the next day, and he did and I said “dang it!” because it would be easier to get married and not be homeless, but he was just hurt that I was sad at all, since I should have been happy. I just didn’t want him to think I liked him more than he likes me, so his racism excuse is a lie. How can you feel this way about someone you don’t want to be with? Just the love stuff: Why does he have to lie? Why not just say he’s scared and knows he will get hurt, so he doesn’t want to take the chance, especially since I just hurt him? Why not be a man instead of being scared and lying about race when he knows that’s immutable and only fuels other people’s feelings of racism towards me and other black people. Why does he lie at all and which parts are a lie? Does he feel things and think the things he says he does, or is he just a pathological liar? All I know is that if you use racism as your excuse, you get exposed for your lies because you’re racist. You put the label on yourself. I’m just treating you like one. You may not have wanted to get hurt and it may have happened, but you didn’t hurt me, but there are consequences for trying. When I hurt you, I just don’t get to be with you, but now everyone knows I won and you lost, so HA! Sucker! That’ll teach you to lie to me, although it’s too late for it to matter. You’re welcome, I finally believed one of your lies, that you’re a racist and as a racist, your deeds and words deserve to be exposed.
Posts: 203
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

APD ( Avoidant personality disorder )

Always love bombing from one guy to the next cause she suffers from what's known as  Phantom Ex syndrome. 

She'll always compare you to her ex's. All of them. The one who is most distant will be her favorite of the lot, but even he couldn't keep her. He messed up at some point. 

The Avoidant personality always enters relationships with one foot out the door. Why did Chapo put her off so fast ? His affection came across as a type of neediness to her, which will make her feel confined. Feeling confined in a relationship for an Avoidant is worse cause to them relationships represent imminent pain or rejection. To make light of things relationships will be made out to be some type of game to the avoidant but what they're really doing is self sabotage the connection, before going on to feel sorry for themselves, then feeling lonely and empty as they should be, before repeating the vicious cycle all over again. Looking for the next honeymoon phase of a new relationship soon to be destroyed, or falling back on ex's.

At some point there was some guy who put up with her shit the most, and he's actually very dear to her. She'll pretend not to love him and maybe convince herself that's true. She never gave him the time of day because she knows she'll only end up hurting him, even though she longs for his energy. She doesn't want that guy to get laid out next to the Phantoms, for if he did, it would do her some serious psychological damage cause nothing compares to him, and for him to think little of her would hurt a lot. Maybe he's the one that can drive her to suicide which is why she fears him the most. Our comrade Tryptamine is not that guy.

I read 2 pages of that discord chat posted in the OP, it was too cringe. I would advise Tryptamine to raise his standards just a bit. Even though Quintasia is in a mode to start using guys, she couldn't help herself and utterly disrespect Tryptamine with this game she likes to play. And why wouldn't she ? It's in her nature to toy around, or punish any guy who opens up to her. On a side note. Men. Women do not love you for you, they love you for what you can do for them. When it comes to the crazy ones, it's the same except they deal with it as seen here. If Tryptamine offered food and shelter, Quintasia wouldn't have been so quick to inflict damage to the connection. It was a huge mistake to empower Quintasia via submission, is makes her twat dry and easy to distance herself from the relation.



To Quintasia. You talk about God's gifts and some ability you have to charm or lure men so you thank God as though your favored by the highest. HA. Cursed ways bring curses and calamity, such is your life and that's God's way. No one is right with God. 

To Trypt I say, if you really desire to have her respect. Throw it back into the sea, lest she becomes a dismissive avoidant. Without mental illness, the modern women is put off by men seeking romance. She wants a guy who is hot shit and doesn't really need her which is usually someone way out of her league. A prince the majority of women will never have. With this mental condition on top of that female attribute.. Bruh. I probably don't even have to explain, it's already so clear, she's trying to shame you. Your time, your energy, your money. Spend it wisely, and not on some stank hole that will disrespect you. Also it's October tomorrow, is her kid not in school or is she on the street ? I wouldn't blame her alcohol addiction as to why she's a bad Mother.  Imagine. That. A woman will always put her child before you, and the child in this case is already doomed to failure. You're better off in the friendzone with Blanc, then one day corner her and sticking your tongue in her mouth only to get slapped silly. That's better trust me. 

Posts: 4519
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

I was drunk and in a good mood. Then the next day I clearly signaled I didn’t mean things that way. I mean I guess in a way I kind of deserve it for doing that at all? But I even said I was drunk at the time! That’s wild lmao

Posts: 152
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

I was drunk and in a good mood. Then the next day I clearly signaled I didn’t mean things that way. I mean I guess in a way I kind of deserve it for doing that at all? But I even said I was drunk at the time! That’s wild lmao

 Still lying, I see, even when there’s text evidence that you were not drunk because you had one beer over seven hours. That makes you sober and you remembered the next day and said so yourself. When will you stop lying? It’s not a big deal to lose, it happens to every guy I go after 😜 You just joined the club, so welcome 🤗 

Posts: 4519
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

Yeah that was hyperbolic language to try and convey that I didn’t black out and that’s why I had memory of the previous night. I did have one 8% tall boy that had to last me 8 hours at the end of the binge I was on. You know, I wouldn’t ever use what people send me in private against them like that. It’s very embarrassing and cringe what I did, but I will get over it. But I don’t really have any desire to talk to you after that. So I hope it was worth whatever win you think you’ve achieved here 

Posts: 152
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

APD ( Avoidant personality disorder )

Always love bombing from one guy to the next cause she suffers from what's known as  Phantom Ex syndrome. 

She'll always compare you to her ex's. All of them. The one who is most distant will be her favorite of the lot, but even he couldn't keep her. He messed up at some point. 

The Avoidant personality always enters relationships with one foot out the door. Why did Chapo put her off so fast ? His affection came across as a type of neediness to her, which will make her feel confined. Feeling confined in a relationship for an Avoidant is worse cause to them relationships represent imminent pain or rejection. To make light of things relationships will be made out to be some type of game to the avoidant but what they're really doing is self sabotage the connection, before going on to feel sorry for themselves, then feeling lonely and empty as they should be, before repeating the vicious cycle all over again. Looking for the next honeymoon phase of a new relationship soon to be destroyed, or falling back on ex's.

At some point there was some guy who put up with her shit the most, and he's actually very dear to her. She'll pretend not to love him and maybe convince herself that's true. She never gave him the time of day because she knows she'll only end up hurting him, even though she longs for his energy. She doesn't want that guy to get laid out next to the Phantoms, for if he did, it would do her some serious psychological damage cause nothing compares to him, and for him to think little of her would hurt a lot. Maybe he's the one that can drive her to suicide which is why she fears him the most. Our comrade Tryptamine is not that guy.

I read 2 pages of that discord chat posted in the OP, it was too cringe. I would advise Tryptamine to raise his standards just a bit. Even though Quintasia is in a mode to start using guys, she couldn't help herself and utterly disrespect Tryptamine with this game she likes to play. And why wouldn't she ? It's in her nature to toy around, or punish any guy who opens up to her. On a side note. Men. Women do not love you for you, they love you for what you can do for them. When it comes to the crazy ones, it's the same except they deal with it as seen here. If Tryptamine offered food and shelter, Quintasia wouldn't have been so quick to inflict damage to the connection. It was a huge mistake to empower Quintasia via submission, is makes her twat dry and easy to distance herself from the relation.



To Quintasia. You talk about God's gifts and some ability you have to charm or lure men so you thank God as though your favored by the highest. HA. Cursed ways bring curses and calamity, such is your life and that's God's way. No one is right with God. 

To Trypt I say, if you really desire to have her respect. Throw it back into the sea, lest she becomes a dismissive avoidant. Without mental illness, the modern women is put off by men seeking romance. She wants a guy who is hot shit and doesn't really need her which is usually someone way out of her league. A prince the majority of women will never have. With this mental condition on top of that female attribute.. Bruh. I probably don't even have to explain, it's already so clear, she's trying to shame you. Your time, your energy, your money. Spend it wisely, and not on some stank hole that will disrespect you. Also it's October tomorrow, is her kid not in school or is she on the street ? I wouldn't blame her alcohol addiction as to why she's a bad Mother.  Imagine. That. A woman will always put her child before you, and the child in this case is already doomed to failure. You're better off in the friendzone with Blanc, then one day corner her and sticking your tongue in her mouth only to get slapped silly. That's better trust me. 

 Yo, you’re correct about a lot of stuff here, but it totes was Trypt., but he did do something to hurt me a long time ago that made everything less okay with me. He decided to always put the other chick first, except when drunk, except this last time, but look, he’s still lying about it. I wanted to be someone’s #1, not the only one he can get because the one he wants is gay. 

Every single chance he gets, he turns back to her, when I was just sad that we would have to struggle more because we can’t just get a random dude to take care of us, he decided that hurt him too badly and he turned to his chick AGAIN. I just was sad because I was probably going to allow him to come be homeless with us and I didn’t want him to suffer, but I know with him, we would be better off and off of the streets faster because he’s loud and fun and people would want to donate more because they will want to be near him. 

I actually love him, like for real, but look at him. He just wants to protect himself, which means he doesn’t care about me at all. He literally just wants to be safe emotionally, but that’s not what love is about. It’s dangerous, but whatever. He doesn’t like me at all, so at least I won, since he totes loves me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t lie so much and wouldn’t use her as his fallback when it doesn’t work with us. 

People who don’t love someone, don’t have to lie about not loving them because it’s clear they don’t. I just don’t like guys anymore and I will save every chick from guys, no matter what I have to do to save them, including being gay, although it seems uniquely targeted towards TikTok dude’s mom, that’s the place where it comes from. 

Posts: 152
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

Yeah that was hyperbolic language to try and convey that I didn’t black out and that’s why I had memory of the previous night. I did have one 8% tall boy that had to last me 8 hours at the end of the binge I was on. You know, I wouldn’t ever use what people send me in private against them like that. It’s very embarrassing and cringe what I did, but I will get over it. But I don’t really have any desire to talk to you after that. So I hope it was worth whatever win you think you’ve achieved here 

 It is worth it. You passed on me and I passed on you, via disclosure of our convos. I burn bridges so your choices are permanent. You guys need to stick with what you choose, and this is the only way. I had to make it so you never want me, so you will never be as happy as you would have been, had you chosen me. Thus, you’ll suffer for your choices and your lies and I will be happy knowing that you’re less happy than you would have been, had you chosen me.

You’re very welcome. I like to make sure you get exactly what you want, without any confusion or regret. There’s no turning back, so thanks for playing. Have a great life with the chick you continue to choose. I truly hope she chooses you so you can see what you chose, versus what you had and could have had. It should be an amazing discover for you. I’m pretty happy to be finished with your lies.


As much as you think I hurt you, even with disclosure, just know we both won and we both lost. I won because now I’m free from you and your lies and your freaking choosing others over me, but you won because you’re free of me forever and my dismissal of your admissions of feelings, but we both lost because I’m amazing and only wanted to make you happy, so now I don’t get to do that, but you will also never be as happy as I could have made you and I know this because I know what I can do and I know you.


That’s also why I know this was the perfect thing to do to kill everything that ever was and everything that ever could have been. You’re free now and you’re very welcome. Don’t worry, I wasn’t the correct choice for you. You didn’t even like me, so thanks for the sex. It was worth the pain and suffering and lies. 

Posts: 4519
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

You’re insane, I even sent you money because I felt bad you are homeless.

Posts: 152
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

Literally all that has happened over the past nearly decade, with this bro, is lies, lies, lie. Back to his main chick, lie, lie, cry about how sex must have meaning because it’s so good, but only to me, as it was phrased like you know… not he knows… 

Freaking rejected that because you don’t tell me how I must feel, when you’re the one feeling it. I don’t care how hard it is for you to even say that. Freaking more lies about not liking the other chick, choosing me, more lies and crying about being irreplaceable. You can’t be replaced, but what are you worth to me if you can’t even be honest? You can’t blame your feelings on me and get me to admit feelings that you have, when I tried to admit my feelings and you rejected them because I was drunk. 

This time, I ignored your request to come with us and be homeless, because I didn’t want you to have to suffer. I know you don’t like being homeless, which is why you are always going to a shelter and not the streets. The things I do show what I feel, but I can’t just assume stuff and you always phrase it like I’m the one in love when you’re the one always bringing it up. I was okay with just sex because LOOK AT YOU.

Look at what you do when you feel unsafe/threatened emotionally. You turn to your chick. You claim I just want anyone, but you just want her, which is worse because that means you don’t want me. At least if I want anyone, it includes you. You’ve always excluded me from even a possibility, by always turning to her, yet you told me lie after lie, drunk and now sober, but your constant turning to her, negates the lies. 

Posts: 152
0 votes RE: I won guys! I beat Trypt.! I made him love me.

You’re insane, I even sent you money because I felt bad you are homeless.

I am insane for ever caring about you, for sure. I’ll pay you back once I am safe and settled. There’s no point in conversing anymore. All has been settled and figured out. No one cares about anyone and it’s always been only sex and you were being crazy saying anything different, as I thought. 

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