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All about not coping

Posts: 179

All about not coping 

K, I miss somebody but I also have chronic, bad abdominal pain for which I had a CT scan and am waiting for doctor to analyze results 

I don’t know which is worse 

Posts: 102
0 votes RE: All about not coping

I've been there. Someone you really care about turns out to be, well let's say toxic. They stonewall you and all that shit. 

I just kept my distance. 11 months later she started calling again, but this time I did not trust her. At that point I already changed. 

I kid you not when I say I did not call her not once since 2012. It's always her calling, even today. 


She'll call whenever she needs help, or to let me know she doesn't need help. I still like her but I understand the situation. 




You on the other hand will end up fucking yourself, because "you kept failing to change".

It's just a matter of practice. Stop chasing. Stop asking about him, if he happens to spring up and starts talking to you, don't simp out or else you've fucked up. Just know that your best chance is detachment. Had you done that long ago you'd most likely have had more encounters with him for far cheaper but instead you've made yourself out to be a tool that can be used. 

You're too full of pride to see the light so you'll get destroyed. You're learning the hard way why Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. Deadly cause it can really shorten one's life which was filled with calamity. You've given him thousands of dollars in exchange for acknowledgement. The bet you won, won't honoured yet again. The last thing you need is support which would only enable you or make you even weaker. Very shameful and pathetic behavior that will end one way or another. 

What Chapo is doing I think is for your own good. Maybe even he wants things to change, and stop taking your money, cause maybe he knows his soul is in danger over it.

If you hear from him without making the required self transformation, he'll pierce you again. Especially if he's on Meth now. At that point you'd be killing him if you let him get away with taking your money. 

When you recognize that you wish you weren't infatuated with Chapo, and you start seeing that as the truth, then the pain will go away and you'll be much better in 3 months. You're at the point where you cannot say "I can't". You either start the process of self transformation, or you'll keep suffering and you'll find no blessing in life.  

Posts: 102
0 votes RE: All about not coping

Look at CS. Chapo was enamoured with her, and why ?

CS  always had 1 foot out the door .    He had her in his house when Marilia was there. He left his wife for CS, and even though that went up in smoke, Chapo still had a boner for CS.

CS's tendency to detachment toward him is in part what turned him on. Given the nature of what Chapo is, and what you Med, need to do in a very important way, you must change or else neither of you will find what you're looking for in one another. ( Part of Chapo wants to make your belly swole so you can push a child out of your vagina. But you're putting him off by being an idiot. )

Change Med. You have to know what you want and don't want and work for it. Not for him for yourself. You don't want this while this is what you're getting. 

last edit on 7/8/2024 1:55:28 AM
Posts: 17
0 votes RE: All about not coping

Hahaha chapo will never love u again and neither will ur dead das

Posts: 33207
0 votes RE: All about not coping

Hahaha chapo will never love u again and neither will ur dead das

She's not his type. Even if she works hard and injects all sorts of weird shit into her body she will still stink of too much desperation. 

Chapo is a sub who respects a powerful woman, but Med conforms to typical gender values to a fault. While he may be a bit narcy, the dude wants a Dommy Mommy while Med is offering herself as a supplicant instead. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/9/2024 11:48:00 AM
Posts: 3
0 votes RE: All about not coping

Hahaha chapo will never love u again and neither will ur dead das

She's not his type. Even if she works hard and injects all sorts of weird shit into her body she will still stink of too much desperation. 

Chapo is a sub who respects a powerful woman, but Med conforms to typical gender values to a fault. While he may be a bit narcy, the dude wants a Dommy Mommy while Med is offering herself as a supplicant instead. 

 Powerful based on what. He wants a rich woman who would take care of him period 

Now that med is no longer a med student to become a doctor  he doesn’t want her. Challengeseeker was a lawyer, who gave him money in the beginning and he saw dollar signs 

Your assessment is overall flawed and two black and white.

I am willing to bet you Chapo is a neither sub in bedroom or out nor is med “supplicant” (you are using the word wrong)

Posts: 33207
0 votes RE: All about not coping
Sowhat said: 

Hahaha chapo will never love u again and neither will ur dead das

She's not his type. Even if she works hard and injects all sorts of weird shit into her body she will still stink of too much desperation. 

Chapo is a sub who respects a powerful woman, but Med conforms to typical gender values to a fault. While he may be a bit narcy, the dude wants a Dommy Mommy while Med is offering herself as a supplicant instead. 

 Powerful based on what. He wants a rich woman who would take care of him period 

Classic ideas of power, the dom/sub model but less blatantly defined. His family and his work give him enough for him to live off of without them, a woman offers him extras rather than essentials. 

His idea of power is tenacity, and his partners and prospects have been socially domineering. Med wants to bend to his will while he wishes to be hard-to-bend, but otherwise still bent by someone powerful enough to do so. They both aim for the Beloved role, meaning their synergy is entirely off. 

Med would have to be a Dom, which she can't do beyond financially. 

Challengeseeker was a lawyer, who gave him money in the beginning and he saw dollar signs 

She was so demanding that it even fucked with Jim's head, come on now. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/9/2024 2:03:40 PM
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