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Posts: 2392
0 votes RE: ExpressLRS for RC models
cx3 said: 

 Love that shit. I saw a flying 2x4 piece of wood on youtube.

Posts: 354
0 votes RE: ExpressLRS for RC models

I used to be into this stuff. In the 90's there was the Traxxas Nitro Hawk. It was a combustion engine RC car. They are really fast, not as fast as those crazy ass electrics, but the combustion engine RC cars have a certain charm to it. 

In the early 2000, I got another Traxxas car, it took me 3 days to assemble it from scratch, then I fucked up the engine ( Dynamite Engine )

I was in the process of breaking in the engine, when I lost control and it zoomed off on it's own full throttle. It screamed down the street and ended up on it's back on someone's front porch just screaming at full throttle, then it seized. I took apart the engine and found a nice dent in the piston wall with a bent piston rod. It was over.

The same servos and remote control worked fine in a friends RC, but always malfunctioned in this car. Up to this day I don't know what's up with that. 



Posts: 903
0 votes RE: ExpressLRS for RC models

I used to build combat wings. We would bet on whose plane would hold up better, whoever lost had to buy dinner. I knew someone who used a nitro engine for a rc helicopter at the field - made a crazy amount of power and the guy had too much money and time on his hands. He would break a $3,000 helicopter just about every other week, but always had a spare.

visceral normality
Posts: 2392
0 votes RE: ExpressLRS for RC models

I used to be into this stuff. In the 90's there was the Traxxas Nitro Hawk. It was a combustion engine RC car. They are really fast, not as fast as those crazy ass electrics, but the combustion engine RC cars have a certain charm to it. 

In the early 2000, I got another Traxxas car, it took me 3 days to assemble it from scratch, then I fucked up the engine ( Dynamite Engine )

I was in the process of breaking in the engine, when I lost control and it zoomed off on it's own full throttle. It screamed down the street and ended up on it's back on someone's front porch just screaming at full throttle, then it seized. I took apart the engine and found a nice dent in the piston wall with a bent piston rod. It was over.

The same servos and remote control worked fine in a friends RC, but always malfunctioned in this car. Up to this day I don't know what's up with that. 



That's crazy. Good thing it didn't hit someone.

Yeah, the drone tech has really improved. I like the fixed wings right now. But might be moving into the quad copters soon.

Posts: 2392
0 votes RE: ExpressLRS for RC models
cx3 said: 

I used to build combat wings. We would bet on whose plane would hold up better, whoever lost had to buy dinner. I knew someone who used a nitro engine for a rc helicopter at the field - made a crazy amount of power and the guy had too much money and time on his hands. He would break a $3,000 helicopter just about every other week, but always had a spare.

 Damn, $3K.. Yeah, crashing is part of it. no doubt.

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